Sweet smoke expanded her lungs with every inhale; sweet grass? Meadow sweet? Black cherries and birch? She didn't know what was in the pipe she smoked from, but she didn't want to question it; the more she smoked, the better she felt.
The dwarf prince beside her chuckled; she leaned against his chest, listening to his steady headbeat. It was even and soft, like the drums she'd heard at the Midsummer Festival they went to earlier in the day. She closed her eyes.
"Good stuff, huh?" he asked then, his voice sounding deep and melodic to her ears.
She smiled up at him, her eyes running over his features: oak shaded eyes, brown hair so dark it appeared black, long and wavy past his shoulders. The cutest half smile, making her breath catch in her chest. "I want to ask what it is, but I'm scared it'll ruin everything."
His fingers ran themselves gently through her hair. "It's the stars, the moon, the forest rain at night," he said. "It's your greatest courage and your wildest dreams. It's the elixir of life."
Soft blue smoke drifted around them, soaking into their pulse, their breath. She melted against his frame; she wished she could stop the world for this moment, freeze his face in time, memorize every single angle of his jaw, of his lips, the stars and the love trapped behind his eyes. "Promise?"
He smiled; he held her close as she took another long drag from the pipe. "With all of my heart."

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...