The Company finally stopped for the night. We stopped on a road that let to a flat cave-like cavern on the side of a mountain. Ori and Oin got a roaring fire going. Bofur, Bombur, and Dori began preparing a stew and bread for supper. Dwalin, Balin, and Thorin were talking about the next steps of the trip for tomorrow.
Kili and Fili grabbed my hands and pulled me toward them, away from Bilbo and Gandalf; Kili laughed like a happy-go-lucky kid. When we were away from the Company, toward the ponies, Kili turned to me.
"Haven't seen much of you since we started; almost thought you were lost." Fili passed me a horse brush as Kili talked.
I chuckle, accepting the brush. "I was at the front, talking with Thorin and Gandalf for a lot of the trip."
"Thorin? The old gaff, he doesn't really talk to anybody," Fili answered, amusement in his voice. He held a brush to Kili, and also held one of his own.
"You see how he looks at Bilbo," Kili added, accepting the brush from Fili. "Doesn't seem to like him much. But you're saying he willingly struck up conversation with you?" His voice was that of surprised disbelief.
I began brushing the nearest pony, trying to hide the heat creeping up my neck. "He did, yes. He asked me about my world, and we talked about that for a bit. I don't know, he was quite polite, and nice to talk to."
Fili chuckled. "Well, maybe the old man's turning around." He began brushing another pony.
"Doubt it," Kili added with a chuckle.
Fili looked at me then; his eyes softening. "Nothing against you, Lullaby. Thorin just has one of those personalities... kind of like a swamp goblin: doesn't like to socialize much, pretty angry all the time, a big grump – you know, that kind of thing."
"He didn't seem much like that today," I say quietly, though they both still heard. "He made me feel welcome."
A silence lingered amongst us. Kili exhaled then. "He's a good man. He's been though a lot."
I nod. "I know."
I could feel Fili's eyes on me. "So," Fili said then, his tone changing the conversation. "How are you liking the journey so far?"
I smile at him, appreciating the change in topic. "It's quite nice. The scenery is great, the company's great – I really like it." I finish brushing the pony, and go to another one. "You guys are used to this life, aren't you?"
Kili shrugged. "It's like our new home – as long as we have each other, and something to laugh about, we'll always have a place to call home." He finished with a smile.
I couldn't help but smile back. "I like that."
"And no matter what anybody says, you're a welcome member of this Company," Fili adds kindly. "We honestly thought Thorin would be rude to you; that's why we voiced our concern."
"I understand. He's been nice to me," I assure them both.
Before long, we had all sixteen ponies brushed, fed, and watered. It was nice working with Fili and Kili; we worked well together, working as one to get our tasks done.
Once the ponies were well looked after, we joined the rest of the company for dinner. Bofur spooned heaping helpings of venison stew into bowls, and Bombur passed out freshly made wheat buns. Dori made tea, passing me a warm mug full. After grabbing food, Kili and Fili ushered me over to the side against the rocky mountain, where they'd already laid out their bedding. The Company ate their dinner, telling stories and laughing under the light of the moon.

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...