Today is a Thursday. And if anybody knows me well, they know this is my favorite day of the week.
It's almost overlooked if you were to rank the days of the week in most likeable order to least. Friday would typically go first, followed by Saturday, Sunday. Next would be Wednesday, then Tuesday. And Monday would be last by default, so Thursday goes sixth. And not for any specific reason, either; Monday's just the worst, so Thursday isn't the worst, but nobody notices much special about it.
I can recall a loathsome job I'd worked; every day dragged on and on and on. Minutes slowed to hours. Simple hours felt like an entire day. Everything moved at a snail's pace. And it was always slower on a Thursday, because all I wanted was to be where I felt the happiest: a simple building on Seventh Avenue. After a few years, it became Westwood Drive instead, but I didn't mind; it was the same thing, just a different room. It was still a safe haven.
When the building was on Seventh, I was in high school. Growing up in the middle of nowhere, I had to learn what a city bus schedule was. From my high school, I would walk over twenty blocks to reach a city bus, because my friends from the north side of town would meet me there, and I didn't want to be alone in something I knew nothing of. Then, I learned I just needed to catch a bus two blocks in the opposite direction, and an hour later; sure, I'd be alone, it was new to me, but I wouldn't have to walk so much and I'd see my friends sooner. Sometimes, I'd be down at Seventh Avenue before them; when that happened, I sat on the building's front steps, reading a book or scribbling on a notepad. A half hour later, my Northside friends would be there, and I wouldn't be alone anymore. We'd sit and talk, laugh about how our lives were going; sometimes, we walked downtown, checking out some of the shops if we had some cash.
The journey, of simply getting on a bus to go to the place I felt the safest, became my high. I craved that – I looked forward to it the whole week. I thought about it the whole time leading up to it. Because it would take me to my safe haven, a place I felt that anything was possible, and I was amongst people who loved and cared about me.
Even now – times have changed incredibly, to be polite about it – Thursday will always be my favorite day of the week. It's a peaceful day, taking me back to when times were happier.

SaggisticaI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...