Thorin Oakenshield and Company were on the move; the sun was up, the sky was blue, and excitement of the adventure ahead was in everybody's veins. The dwarfs had not expected me to join them, but when Kili proudly announced my presence, with Thorin and I watching their expressions, they seemed pleased with the decision. Gandalf welcomed me as well, and helped prepare me for the journey.
Some were confused where Bilbo was, and others made bets that he wouldn't show up.
All of us on ponies, mine walked side by side with Thorin's. He talked to me a bit, mostly keeping to the thoughts in his head. I knew he was thinking over the nature of the journey, and I felt sorrow for him. But he was a strong dwarf – a brave leader, although he was a king without a crown, and didn't care for royalty. I felt safe in his company.
"Do you think Boggins will show?" Fili asked Bofur.
"His name is Baggins," Bofur corrected with emphasis. "And I do believe he will."
Other dwarfs hearing Bofur laughed at the comment, ultimately disagreeing with him.
From beside me, I hear Thorin chuckle deeply, his eyes on the path ahead of him.
"What's so funny?" I ask him, watching his face, his eyes.
"The halfling," Thorin says, looking back at me. "The hobbit. It was a waste of time, asking him to be our burglar."
"You don't even know him," I reply strongly, offended for Bilbo's sake. "Just because he's a hobbit, that doesn't make him a bad person. He was overwhelmed last night – he's not used to housing a company of dwarfs everyday."
The smile didn't leave Thorin's face. "He is not a creature of adventure, nor will he ever be. He won't leave his precious hole of Bag End."
"Are you willing to bet on it?" I reach into the front pocket of my pack; I had a small pouch of coins there, given to me by Bilbo a while ago – I'd only remembered it now, amongst all of the betting. I hold them up for emphasis. "Everybody else is betting he won't show. I know he will."
The company chuckled at my words. "Oh, you know, do you?" Thorin asked; his smile only strengthened, amused by me. "You're dead set on this hobbit turning himself around, abandoning all of his comforts of home, to join us on a quest he is terrified of?"
I could feel the confidence flow through me. "I'm positive. Bilbo will be joining us. And you will look like a fool, Oakenshield, for doubting the will of a hobbit."
The company laughed at the courage of my words, not at them themselves. They looked back and forth from me to Thorin, as if they thought I'd outdone their leader's wits.
Thorin merely chuckled not offended or angry with my words, and retrieved a pouch of coins from his own pocket. "By the time we set up camp tonight: that will be the deadline. His appearance, or lack thereof, will prove the victor." His eyes were a brilliant blue in the sunlight. "Do you still wish to bet against me, human?" He held a hand out to me; elegant rings decorated his fingers. His smile didn't falter.
I smiled back at the dwarf king, firmly shaking his hand. "You have yourself a deal, Oakenshield."

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...