Burgers and hotdogs
And mom's famous potato and seafood pasta salads
On Father's day
A day to commemorate all fathers
And appreciate all that they doI appreciate my father
Every waking moment
And if I could
Meals like this would happen every day
Better than food fit for royalty
As my father is better than themHe's a shoulder to cry on
And arm to lean on
And a laugh that's too contagious to be contained
He's a quick thinker
A good listener
And the wisest man you'll ever meet
He's tough as nails
Strong as hell
And gentle as a soft summer breezeI wish I could tell him these things
But I don't want to make a scene
So I hope a simple
I love you
Can sum it all up

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...