The boys drug her along; Fili and Kili were basically big kids, donning swords and blades as if they were fierce warriors. They were, but their big kid hearts and personas made Lullaby question them often.
"Kili, Fili, what are we doing?" she whispered to them as the dwarfs each held one of her hands, pulling her along in the dark through a thicket of trees and willows.
They stopped suddenly; Kili turned to her. "Stay here," he whispered, before disappearing a little further onward.
She turned to Fili, an eyebrow raised. "Fili, I swear to whatever god you worship–"
He silenced her, with his hands in her shoulders, and a childish smile on his face. "Lullaby, trust me. Just have a little faith; what's about to happen will be glorious."
She was about to say something, but then held back her words; Kili was the youngest, making Fili the supposed "wiser one." If it were Kili asking her to trust him, she would be incredibly skeptical about it. But since it was Fili, she nodded at him; she was still skeptical, but a little less so.
Fili smiled at her; he spun her around, putting his arms around her. He pointed through the trees and bushes they hid behind, toward the Company's campsite.
Lullaby watched, and saw a tip-toeing Kili secure a pail of water from a tree that dangled overtop of Thorin's sleeping place. The pail was attached to a rope, which he let out as he quietly padded back to where Fili and Lullaby were hiding.
Once there, Kili knelt beside them, holding the rope with both hands, his eyes wide in childish amusement.
"Kili, Thorin is going to kill you both!" Lullaby whispered harshly. "And I'm mortal; I'll end up dying quicker!"
Kili turned her her; his childish smile didn't falter in the slightest. "You won't die; we'll make sure of it," he promised.
"Aye," Fili agreed; his arms held Lullaby. "We're faster than him; we'll be fine."
Lullaby couldn't help but smile; she was about to join Fili and Kili – noble dwarfs of the Durin family line – in pranking the King Under The Mountain, the dwarf King himself, Thorin Oakenshield. All because it was funny.
"A brilliant way to die," she said then, turning to Kili. "Your call, Captain."
Kili smiled wider, it seemed. Kneeling behind a berry bush, Kili began the count: "Five, four...."
Fili continued: "Three, two...."
"One," Lullaby whispered.
Kili pulled the rope. Almost as if it were in slow motion, the pail tipped. Blue water spilled out. Thorin Oakenshield shot up and screamed as freezing mountain water struck his sleeping face.
Kili and Fili burst out laughing from behind the berry bush, not even trying to hide their location; Thorin locked on them immediately. He was halfway to them, before Kili's smile disappeared for a moment. He threw away the rope, and yelled something very simple yet strong: "RUN!!"
Lullaby wasn't sure what happened at first; after a solid five seconds of terrifying motion, she realized she had been thrown over Fili's shoulder, and he was running in time with his brother. Lullaby looked up, to see an angry and soaked Thorin chasing them like a hellhound on the trail.
Kili laughed like a maniac as he ran. Fili held Lullaby tight, laughing with him. Lullaby screamed for Fili to run faster, because Thorin was gaining on them quickly.
If there had been nearby Orcs or elves within a twenty Mike radius, all they would have heard was maniacal laughter, and the booming voice of a dwarf king yelling, "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHITS!!"

Non-FictionI had this idea last night after a few drinks, a pounding headache, and an excessive amount of throat lozenges. In order to inspire me to write more often than I currently do, I am planning to write a new post every day and publish it, allowing me t...