T H I R T Y | T H R E E

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A quick shout out to the people who commented on the chapters lol I read them all while I was rereading my own book XD. It genuinely made me happy knowing that you guys are enjoying this book so I just wanna say I love you! Also to silent readers out there :*

Yall ain't ready for this chapter so get your toilet paper ready cuz we about to go down lmaoo and yes, toilet paper 💀
Your POV
I stood there not thinking about anything nor anyone and the only thing I can feel is the beating of my heart and my aching head.

I don't understand what this means..

I don't understand anything..

But why do I feel like I need to know more?

Without thinking, I gotten out of my room and enter the room next to it before started rummaging inside of every drawers this room have.

Nothing. I found nothing. But hell, I don't even know what I'm trying to find exactly.

I quickly got out of the room before doing the same thing to the other rooms until I made my way through the masters bedroom where my adopted parents stayed. I looked at the doors in front of me before taking a deep breath as I enter the room. There wasn't anything unusual and everything looks untouched with its luxurious designs. I made my ways to the bedside table and open the first drawer I laid my eyes on.

There's nothing in it..

Opening the next one underneath it, I found nothing. The disappointment of finding anything but mild dust inside made me let out a sigh as I took a seat at the side of the king sized bed. I looked up at the large white ceiling above me as I lean both of my hands on the soft mattress behind me for support.

I really don't know what I'm trying to find... But I want to know more
I suddenly took my wallet out when a certain memory come into my head out of nowhere. I started taking everything inside my wallet, looking for a certain photo that I kept a long time ago and quickly found it at the last pocket. Letting out a relief sigh, I opened it up and look at the old ripped photo in front of me.

Holding the photo of my mom with the ripped off face of—I believe my biological father, I stare at it as I think to myself.

How would it went if he took me with him instead? Will I still suffer the same way I did?

Viewing the photo away to my peripheral vision, I stare at myself at the whole body mirror mounted on the wall in front of me and smiled bitterly to myself until my eyes went down to notice another drawer reflecting in the mirror, underneath the bed I'm currently sitting at.

I didn't waste any time as I kneel down in front of it, hoping that it isn't locked or the key that's in the box is for this one but the thought of it quickly fade away when I pulled it open easily without having the need of a key.

A few papers and paper envelopes are inside and some of them aren't open yet that made my eyebrows furrows in anticipation to know what it was. I took everything inside the drawer and placed it on the mattress of the bed.

These are mostly letters I believe since it's very obvious to determine that when I read the paper inside the already ripped off paper envelope.

My heart started beating when I first read the name. My mother's name.

Dear Claire,

   I couldn't find a way to contact you through social medias and I don't have your current number so I decided to send you letters for communication. I do hope this will get to you and I'll get to receive your reply soon. I miss you and hope you're doing alright there.

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