T H I R T Y | F I V E

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And just like that, the bomb exploded inside of her.

She couldn't think of anything other than wanting to hurt her used-to-be father.

"you fucking asshole.." she mumble under her breath as she charge towards him and grab his collar.

The people around them was shocked and couldn't comprehend what was happening until they all snapped out of it when they heard a loud bang on the floor while John lay there subconscious.

"Y/n, enough!" Matthew called out as he tried to pull her away but she won't budge, trying to hit his subconscious face. "enough!" he exclaim as he grabbed both of her arms away from the man and his laying body on the floor.

She stumbled backwards as she tries to pull her arms away from him with a dead look on her face. She turn her head towards him as she pick up herself from the tiled ground.

Everyone have their eyes on her, watching her every move with guilt plastered on their faces but her only attention was on him. She have this unreadable expression on her face as she fights his guilty eyes with her dead ones. Y/n glances back at John who sat up on the floor, avoiding her gaze as he looked down on the ground.

The atmosphere was so quiet and everyone didn't dare decided to break it until they all heard a soft laugh coming from her. Averting all their eyes on her, Y/n let out another laugh as she glance at everyone who's looking at her before stopping at Matt who didn't know what to say to her.

"You're.. defending him?" they all heard her ask him with an obvious bitter laugh. "are you serious?" she added and Matthew lowered his head as he nodded at himself. "at least put him in jail, Matt!" she screamed at him.

The hallway went silent when no one decided to talk until they suddenly heard his response under his breath, "it's an accident, Y/n".

Disappointment plastered on Y/n's face when she heard that. Matthew averted his gaze at her, only to find her walking towards him before stopping in from of him. "what did you say?"

Fighting her broken gaze, Matt lick his lower lip as he hesitantly open his mouth to talk. "Y/n, I-I know what you're feeling right now-" he started but Y/n cut him off.

"you don't. Cause if you do then why are you siding with him?!" she asked through gritted teeth as she glares at his face. He lowered his face when guilt rushes through his conscience and slowly shifted in his feet. "are you aware that the guy you're defending killed my father, Matt?!. And you're giving me that bullshit that it's an accident?" she exclaims in his face and grabbed his clothes as she forcefully pull him closer to her. "he killed my dad... I want to make him pay by suffering. So if you can't do that for me then I'll do it myself.. Starting with the thing he used to me back then" she told him, barely a whisper and watch how his face changes expression into a serious one before letting go of his uneven clothes.

She was about to walk away but Matthew stopped her by grabbing her wrist as he called out to her. "Y/n, you can't-"

His words was cut off by her fist landing into his face that caused him to fall onto the ground with his back, wincing in pain.

Your POV

I held my head high as I look down on him, holding his face as he reciprocate my gesture.

I never punched him in my entire life the moment I knew him because we never really fought before so it hurts me seeing us in this situation.

"I don't want to see your face anymore" I started as I stare into his pained eyes. "my so-called fake brother... Well, to tell you this. I don't have a brother" I told him as I let out a chuckle before looking at him seriously. "because he's already dead, just like you" I stated and turn around, preparing to leave. "so don't bother talking to me again cause if you do..." I trailed off and glance elsewhere but unexpectedly landing into that certain brown eyes, looking at me with that broken gaze of hers. "I won't hesitate to make it real" I finished after I glanced away from her and made my way away from that area while their eyes followed behind.

I guess this is it for us Matt, not really your fault but you betrayed me by that decision of yours and I couldn't forgive you for that.


A short chapter, I know :/
But this is just part of the build up of its final fall so don't worry

And don't forget to leave a vote :)

-depressed, author.

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