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Kinda long but whatever.
Camila's POV
It's currently eleven thirty in the evening when I took a glance at my phone and we're all here at the living room just talking about random things while drinking. We're supposed to be having a night swimming at the lake at this hour but most of us girls had no clothes to change at after so they decided to just cancel that idea or just do it in another time.

Y/n was sitting at the couch with everyone in the living room including me when she suddenly stood up from her seat and mindlessly headed to the kitchen without saying a word. I don't even know why I'm already feeling myself getting dizzy when I know I just finished two bottles of it. It's probably because I'm a lightweight so I decided to take it a stop now since I don't wanna get that drunk tonight.

I let out a sigh as I looked around everyone having fun and talking about dumb stuff like their embarrassing moments as they get wasted.

"yeah I was just casually buying some hotdogs when I bump into someone after turning around to leave and it felt like everything went slow motion as I watched those deliciousness bounce off of my plate and rolled around the floor..." Dinah told everyone as she remembered the exact moment it happened and they started laughing their ass off on the couch.

"I would kill to see your face that time" Matthew suddenly respond as he slap his thighs while laughing at her and chug on his drink.

"and boy I felt the need to get out of that place when I noticed everyone saw so I quickly bolted out of there!" She said before chugging at her bottle as well as I saw some of them followed suit.

"poor hotdogs" I heard them trailed off before I looked back at the kitchen and noticed Y/n haven't come back yet so I decided to stood up to check on her as I gave some of them who noticed me a knowing look.

Entering the connected kitchen, I found no one inside but the notice the single door that leads outside to the back were wide open so I slowly move my feet as I walk towards the back door and poke my head out, searching for her appearance. It was kind of dark outside obviously since it's probably already midnight but saw there's a light post near the lake at the pier that's helping me see things around me clearly. I fully lead my body outside even though it's extremely cold at this time and look around before I notice her sitting at the bench at the corner of this quite huge back porch. I took a deep break building up all my confidence before slowly walking towards where she's currently at drinking. She didn't notice the faint sounds that my footsteps was making since she's too focused probably thinking about something too deeply while staring at the calm lake in front of her from a great distance.

"hey" I softly called out for her attention when I'm just a few feet away from her.

I watch her gently turn her head towards me and slowly smile before opening her mouth to respond, "hey you too" and faintly giggles as she averted her eyes back to the lake.

I don't know why but it's so fascinating to watch her beautiful smile in times like this... Especially when those eyes are on me.

"why are you still standing? Sit down Camila" I heard blurted out with a chuckle after a few minutes of me subconsciously staring at her.

I felt my face heat up about probably getting caught staring before I started lowly clearing my throat as I slowly take my seat beside her on this wooden bench. I secretly took a glance at her side profile before finding myself smiling as I averted my gaze to lake as well.

Everytime that I'm with her, I just slowly forget that I'm forced to be in a relationship with someone else.. that I'm still living in the past where there's only the two of us going strong together.. with her, I know what real happiness means.

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