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Your POV

I just wake up around 7 and a half in the morning and I'm now currently having a breakfast in my living room while watching a movie. Vanessa texted me just a few minutes ago, saying that I should be in the building where we're having the photoshoot going in exactly 8 o'clock and continue what we paused yesterday. Well it should be only me but we're kind of having a double photoshoot so when I left yesterday they can't also shoot only her because they needed me so it'll be happening today.

Deciding now to have a shower, I quickly stand up and put the dishes in the sink before getting my towel and entering the bathroom but before I did, I heard my phone went off, making me ran into the living room where I left it and answer the call after I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked as I carefully held the phone in my hand.

"Is this Ms. Viers who I'm speaking to?" The caller asked and I quickly furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled the phone away from my ear and take a quick glance at the caller ID but it is just an unknown number.

I cleared my throat before answering, "Yes, it is me. who's this?" I asked back as I quickly remove my shirt leaving me in a sports bra.

"Jane ma'am, assistant manager from Vogue" She simply said and I subconsciously nodded my head before responding,

"Oh yeah what is it? I'm sorry I'm kinda busy right now, I'll just be there later to shoot" I told her and I was about to hung up when she stopped me.

"But ma'am I would like to inform you that your photoshoot later has been cancelled due to some problems and issues we're having right now" She said and that stopped me from going back to the bathroom.

"What?!" I hissed as I quickly take a seat at the table beside me. "You can't just cancelled me like that!" I shouted as I felt my head boil in anger.

"Ma'am I suggest you to calm down and lower your voice before I explain why" She said and I just let out a deep sigh before biting my lips and respond,

"What's... the problem?" I asked slowly as I calmed myself by closing my eyes as I rubbed both of my eyebrows by my other hand.

"A video of you and Ms. Cabello arguing has been posted everywhere through social medias and it's now people's topic everywhere in the internet" she said and I quickly open my eyes and raised one of my eyebrows and asked,

"So... that's the fucking problem?" I deadpanned and heard her sighed.

"have you been in social medias today Ms. Viers?" She politely asked and I was more confuse so I mentally shook my head before answering,

"No, I haven't touched my phone ever since yesterday" I half lied. I do touched my phone when I called Matt and talked to Katherine yesterday evening but I haven't been on social medias.

"Surprisingly, you're getting a lot of hate Ms. Viers and we don't want that... it's gonna affect our brand if we continue the shoot" She reasoned and I can't help but just suck my teeth in annoyance after licking my lips.

"Okay... I get it, I fucking get it" I told her and immediately ended the call as I placed my phone down on the table but quickly picked it up again when I remember what she said and quickly open my twitter.

As I was scrolling through my feed, every pic I see is from the video of Camila and I and even people's topic.

@Cabellosbae: I'm glad they fucking broke up, do you see how fucking asshole she is?!

@babymila: Agreed!! she hurt our baby 😢

@heteronly: Shawn's better anyway.

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