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Your POV
[Day of the meet up]

Slowly walking inside of the entrance of this restaurant as I felt my heart beats faster than before when I felt everything just sinking in today. I've stopped in front of everything inside and everyone in here but since they're all busy eating and stuff, they didn't mind me being a dumb as shit just weirdly standing in here while I'm slowly dying inside. Rubbing my sweaty palm in my jeans as I felt my anxiety rising up even more and all of my emotions are mixing up together for some reasons that I can't seem to explain to myself before that very day flashes through my mind again...
I've been waiting outside for such a long time now and I'm already thinking that Matt won't come or he forgot or he's just really busy but lied to me when I asked him earlier but all that thought went away when I saw his car slowly parked behind my car, making me smile slightly before walking towards there. I open his car door before entering in and closing it after.

"What took you so long?" I asked him while I put on my seatbelt and take a glance at him but he's just silent and didn't respond so I decided to ask again maybe he didn't heard me. "Hey Matt, you took longer than I expected... did something happened? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly when he didn't respond again and just keep on looking at the steering wheel while both of his hands are still holding it... tightly. "Matthew" I called out and touch his shoulder and he slightly flinched before quickly glancing at me. "Are you okay? You seems weird..." I trailed off and he just nods before simply answering,

"I'm fine... just stressing out" and slowly drive out of the side of the street and smoothly drive through the road even though I still wasn't saying where to go since I really don't know where. "So what happened to your car? Flat tire?" He quickly changes the topic to ease the slight tension inside the car.

I sighed, "no, the car's perfectly fine... it's just that I forgot my keys inside Vanessa's apartment but I not really in the mood to see them again so I decided to just get it at some other day" I said while I watch the view outside of the car window.

"Them? Who's them and what happened?" He worriedly asked as he take a quick glance at me.

"Just some unexpected things happened before and after I went to Vanessa's apartment and I decided to stay away from her for the mean time to let her think... and I also saw John's new wife today... begging me to forgive him as if it's that so easy to do..." I frustatedly said as I furrowed my eyebrows and lean my head to the chair before glancing at him who's just silently listening at me.

"Can I ask you something Y/n?" He seriously said as he refuse to look at me or just take a quick glance.

"Yeah sure what is it?" I curiously asked.

I heard him take a deep breath in and sighed before speaking, "when... did he started treating you differently?" and bite his bottom lip.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him as I think about his question deeply before I finally respond, "the day after mom's funeral..." and nodded sadly at him and looked away to the window when I remember that very moment that happens to be my nightmare everynight of the next days of that time when I'm still suffering.

He let out a sigh beside me before I felted the car's moving slowly until it stopped at the side of this random street before he decided to talk. "I'm sorry that you have to go all throught that, I'm sorry if I wasn't there to protect you and I'm sorry... I'm really sorry that all this time... you're believing of something that wasn't true and will never be..." he trailed off.

I averted my eyes at him when he said the last part that got my full attention. "What are you talking about? Matt, what do you mean?" I confusedly asked him and saw him looked at me sadly before he takes my hand and gently squeeze it.

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