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Btw I forgot to put the reality date in this story at the very first chapter, it's 2015... why? because it'll get complicated when I put it on this exact date 2019. But I'll do a time skip if it bothers you too much... maybe.

And another... October 10 is your birthday and the flashback in the chapter before this -your first encounter with Camila, was three days before your 13th bday in 2009.

I know it's confusing so I'm sorry! Enjoy though!

Your POV
As I was gently tapping my thumb to the steering wheel while I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I turn my head to look outside of the window and saw the campus of this school that I once goes to.

The days, the fucking days where I'm still suffering... But why does it felt so worth it at the same time...
[2009, November 1]
Gripping the strap of my backpack tightly as I make my way inside to my respected class after of my long weekend absence, because of my dad's beatings that makes me feel numb and disabled for a whole day and the remaining days was for to let it slowly heal even it didn't actually happened because he decided to add cuts to it in the next days.

I've been thinking about reporting him to the police but I'm scared, too scared to know what will happen after I reported him so I decided to shut my mouth and accept the fact that this is what'll happen to me and everyday of my life.

I don't know what has gotten into his head and what's happening to him because everyday he just became more and more furious and dangerous over what's he's doing to me.

Hell, he fucking stab a knife to my left thigh today causing me not walk properly and wincing in pain every time I take a step to walk.

I didn't realize that I just zoned out after I walked inside and stop near center of the room when I felt a hand touches my shoulder, making me jump a little and turn my head to look a the person who's hand is belonged to.

"Miss Y/n, are you okay?" I heard and saw our teacher who's now in front of me, asked me in a worried tone.

I subconsciously nodded, "I-I'm fine ma'am" I told as I mentally slapped myself for stuttering as I turn my head to look at the class and notice that the arrangement is not the same like the last time I turn up so I quickly turn around to face our teacher and ask since there's four empty seats that I saw and I don't know where I was assigned to. "Where should I-" but I was quickly cut off when she suddenly answered, expecting me to ask that.

"Oh to the last column at the back, in the center of Kean and Camila" she said and I quickly snapped my head to look where she's looking at and saw the empty seat but when my eyes landed to one of my seatmates, I suddenly get nervous when it was Camila who I locked eyes to.

It's been weeks since I met her outside the school because I didn't turned up that Monday that I should and... Oh shit, her umbrella I forgot to bring it!.

Looking away from her as I let out a nervous sigh before walking to my chair slowly and carefully, and take my seat without looking at her.

I looked down to my desk and close my eyes when I felt my wounds in my left thigh suddenly stung as pain quickly spread to my whole left leg from the sudden movement and swallow up every pain that I'm feeling before trying to open my eyes back but before I even do, I suddenly felted a hand on my right shoulder, followed with a worried tone when the person asked.

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