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Your POV

I took a deep breath before nodding to myself as I open the door of my car and slowly get out, shutting it close behind me after. I travel my eyes around me, nervously looking everywhere for some reason before I wrapped my arms around me when a cold breeze of air passes through me, making me slightly shiver at the contact of it at my skin. I subconsciously wet my lips before I sighed and make my way inside the cemetery.

Looking straight through the thin air in front of me as I headed to the familiar path way I always walk through whenever I end up here, I suddenly stopped at my tracks when I saw some dark figures standing near at my mothers grave. My mouth slightly open itself as I furrows my eyebrows in confusion as I stare at their dark backside body.

I'm sure they didn't noticed my presence since their backs are in front of me and I didn't even uses flashlight like I used to and I was silent, making my way here. I shook my head slightly and slowly breathe out the air that I didn't even know that I was holding before I hesitantly make my way closer to them.

I heard one of them sighed before the person decided to speak up. "I think we should go..." a husky voice break the silence that's filled this place before I watch her hesitantly put her hand on the other girls shoulder. I can clearly see how she gently squeeze it, taking the girls attention and slowly turn her head to look at her, making my eyes slightly widen and raises my heartbeat in a second I saw her side profile in the dark.

I know that side profile... I can't be wrong... it's too familiar for me to not know who's in front of me right now...

"O-Okay... I'll just say goodbye..." that voice...
My eyes suddenly shut close when I heard her beautiful voice again and swallow the lump in my throat when she continues. "Um... I wanted to stay for a minute but I think my friend and I need to go now.." she paused and took a deep breath before she sighed. "I'm really sorry but I promise I'll visit you again when I can... t-take care, I-I'll see you soon... mom" my eyes automatically open when I heard her whispered the last word that escaped her mouth and silently sniff at the end.

I stood there stunned as I felt my eyes quickly watering when that work slowly sink in to my system while staring at the back of her head. My lips curve into a small smile as I looked down at the ground and felt my tears quickly escaped my eyes that I didn't even bother wiping them away as I stood there. I bit my lower lip as I keep a sniff to myself and slowly turn around after I glancing at them again. Covering my mouth with my hand, I placed my index finger in between my teeth and slowly bit it as I gently clenched it close before I stook a step forward but quickly stopped when I heard her voice again.

"Y-Y/n?" She called out for me but I decided to not respond and stay put. "Y/n..." she trailed off again as I felt her gaze at the back of my head.

I quickly and secretly wiped my tears away and took a breath in before facing them with a forced smile. "Hey!" I exclaimed in a happy tone as I look at her before switching my gaze at Lauren that I just now noticed that it was her who's with Camila. When she didn't respond and just stare at me, I cleared my throat awkwardly before smiling widely at her again. "Uh what are you guys doing here? It's too early to... you know, roam around especially here..." I said as I still kept my fake smile, trying to show them that I'm fine at this moment when I'm obviously not.

She stare at my eyes before she cleared her throat as she look away and respond, "I uh... just remembered what day it is so I thought I should visit her at least..." she trailed off silently as she take a glance at me. I waited for minute if she's gonna add something which I'm hoping so much that she will but when she didn't, I just nodded at her and walk pass them, not bothering to respond.

She didn't even bother to greet me...

Camila's POV

We both heard her sighed before she speak up as her back is facing us, "Hey mom... did you enjoy their visit?... I hope you do... Cause I don't" she lowly mumbled the last part before chuckling at the end and I sadly watches her interlock her fingers together as she look down at her mother's gravestone.

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