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Camila's POV
I kissed her back... yes I did. Maybe because of my emotions that made me do it but while I'm kissing her back I suddenly remember Shawn so I unknowingly bit her lower lip really hard, making her gasp in pain before I push her away.

"Shit" I heard her lowly curse as she quickly licked her lower lip and touch it with her finger before looking back at me seriously. A small smirk were forming at her lips as she stares at me.

Damn you Y/n...

I slowly swallow the lump in my throat before I quickly respond, "T-This is wrong Y/n. Very wrong!" I frustatedly said as I unknowingly pace around in front of her, thinking how bad this could be if Shawn finds out that we kissed.

"Well he doesn't have to find out about this..." she trailed off as she walked closer to me again while staring at me intensely, making me suddenly nervous. "I want you back Camila and it's clear that you want me too..." she seriously said as I saw her glances at my lips when I bites it out of habbits when I'm nervous.

"I-I don't..." I stutters, looking away from her and suddenly heard her chuckles.

"Really?" She softly says as she walk closer to me again. "Then why did you kiss me back then?" She playfully asked as she sexily hummed after, making me curse mentally as looked away.

"I-" I started but quickly paused when we both suddenly heard a loud knock from the front door. Thank god for saving me!. I looked back at Y/n before quickly saying, "I-I'll get it" and scooted away from her and saw her nods at me as she walks backwards, giving me space for me to open the door. I open the door rather quickly after I take a glance at her again who's now just staring at me with an unreadable expression.

I close the door to her room as I refuse to look at her again and walk towards the front door while anxiously biting my lips.

As I was walking, I suddenly found myself smiling slowly so I quickly shook my head repeatedly, trying to forget about what just happened.

She's really making me question my loyalty right now!. I mean she's not wrong, I still want her back but it's just that I can't and I wouldn't because that's the right thing to do... at least for me it is.

Breathing in and out before I finally open the front door and face the person on the other side which happens to be Dinah.

"Hey! I brought the medicines!... and..." she trailed off as she glances behind her and quickly scooted towards me to whisper, "this hot guy here... is actually going here also" she said as she smirk at me and look back behind her when we both suddenly heard a footsteps before I saw who it is.

"Hi... Camila. Long time no see.." he greeted as he smile broadly at me before looking back at Dinah and secretly smirk at her as he put his hands inside of his pockets.

"Matt... I didn't know you're still friends with Y/n..." I told him truthfully as I slightly furrows my eyebrows at him.

He licked his lips before looking back at me as he response, "Of course I wouldn't leave her. Especially after that... misunderstanding break up you both had" he seriously said while looking at me seriously. He suddenly looked away from me before smiling, "so where's Y/n? This food is getting cold..." he said as he walked pass Dinah and I. We quickly follow him with our gaze before actually following him when he went to Y/n's room.

"Y/n, man!. Advance happy birthday!" He exclaimed happily when he saw Y/n inside, changing her shirt.

When my eyes landed on her, I quickly looked away since she's still changing, showing her exposed good looking abs and quickly glances away at Dinah who's secretly smirking at me. "What?" I whispered asked at her and she just shrugs before smiling as she look away from me to Matt.

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