T H I R T Y | O N E

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Sorry for taking too long to update I was kinda busy dealing with smth so yeahh. Also this is the longest chapter I've ever written so I hope you enjoy.

Camila's POV

I slowly open my eyes when I felt the car took a stop and caught Lauren staring at me in my peripheral vision from the rear view mirror. She gave me a sad small smile when I turned my attention to her which I quickly reciprocate but used the forced one before averting my eyes to the window beside me and saw some paparazzi outside with their usual camera that's already pointed at us.

"just don't mind them Mila.." I heard Normani softly said beside me that made me switch my gaze towards her and noticed all of their attention are on me except for lauren who's just staring at her window. "you'll be fine.." she quickly added when I didn't respond.

I turn my gaze to me hands as I slowly brush them together before I decided to respond, "if I only knew it'd turn out like that, I would've stop myself.."

I was woken up by a soft knock on the door so I slowly open my eyes and found Y/n peacefully sleeping beside me. I found myself smiling while I stare at her beautiful face as I try to ignore the soft repeated knock on the door and watch her eyebrows slowly furrowed together because of its faint noises. I carefully put my hand on the side of her face and gently rub my thumb of her cheek as I started talking to her mentally.

'don't worry baby, I'll call Simon and tell him that I don't want to continue Shawn and i's forced relationships anymore... I know I'm just lying about my love for him but I just can't see that until this night happens... Y/n, If only I can tell you that I don't love him like how I always love you right now, I'll gladly do it cause the truth is, I only love him as a friend... And I'm really sorry if I lied to you about the breakup but I really wanted this to happen and I can't think of any reason for you to agree to this but that's the only thing I could think of... I don't want to hurt him Y/n like how I've hurted you back then... He's a good person just like you and I don't want to see the pain plastered on his face like what I saw when I ended things with you... I know it broke your heart so I can't watch him go through the same thing just because I'll end it all... He really loves me and I'm not completely oblivious about that so I know I'll hurt him... But that's the right thing to do right now..'

"hey, why are you still up?" I suddenly heard her mumbled that brought me out of my thoughts so I quickly put my attention to her even though the faint knocks in the background was starting to get annoying for me. She's still keeping her eyes close as she slowly slid her hand to my waist and carefully pulled me closer even though we're already an inches apart from each other.

I smiled at her even though I know she wasn't looking before I responded. "someone's knocking on the door... It must be Dinah" I told her and suddenly watch her eyes opened because of it.

She lowly hummed before she decided to respond, "well then, get dress before you answer the door.." and slowly closed her eyes again as I noticed the small smile that quickly formed on the corner of her lips. "and be back here after.." she added while I found myself secretly smirking at her after she said that.

'god, I feel like I'm back in those days when I'm still with her but more mature now...'

"of course Y/n" I simply respond before leaning in as I captured her gorgeous lips which she quickly reciprocate with a satisfied sigh. I gave her a quick peck on the lips after I pulled away, "I'll be quick" and carefully sit up on the bed beside her as I started looking for my clothes on the floor.

After I completely wear all my clothes on, I suddenly averted my eyes on the window and noticed the sun wasn't still up and it's still dark outside. The lampshade was on so I quickly found my phone when I just started thinking about finding it just now. Turning the device on, I quickly furrowed my eyebrows when I saw it's just 5:23 in the morning. There's no way Dinah would wake up that early just to be back here in our shared apartment..

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