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So yeah... probably not gonna enjoy this but I hope you do anyway!

Your POV

"Y/n" She breathe out with her shocked and sad expression and I can't help but feel guilty about it. I mean I know I should be guilty because it's really my fault but I can't show it outside so I quickly composed myself in this thick tension that's feeling between all of us before I decided to talk,

"Hey" I simply said, blinking my eyes to ease the huge tension around here and I heard her lowly scoff at my word before responding,

"I can't believe you" She whispered, shaking her head before walking out and I immediately followed unknowingly as I tried to stop her by grabbing her wrist.

"Camila wait-" My words cut off when she quickly turn around and surprised me with a slap in my cheek. I heard a gasped around us but I stand there, looking at the ground in shame and mostly, guilt. I knew I deserve that hard slap even whatever she's gonna say to me.

"Are you fucking kidding me Y/n?!" My heart beats faster when I heard her cursed because she only curses when she's mad and pissed at something... I think I really did made her mad at me. I stayed silent and accepted the fact that I'm the wrong one here before she decided to continue, "After all this years, you're just gonna say 'hey' to me?!" She said as she harshly slapped me in the arm and I forcedly stepped back whilst I heard a snapped in our direction. "Are you fucking serious?!" She shouted angrily at me again and this time, I decided that I'll stand up for myself even though I'm wrong in our situation.

"What do you want me to say? I'm sorry?!" I exclaimed as I looked up to her and saw her starting to tear up but quickly composed herself and spat back.

"At least I know you're fucking sorry for everything you did!"

"But I'm not!" There's no turning back now that I already said it even though I didn't mean it. I saw the hurt in her eyes when I stare at it, she's just fighting it back and I know it.

She looked up to me, "What did you say?" She breathe out softly as I saw some tears threathening to escape her eyes as she stared at me.

I stared at her brown eye before repeating what I just said, "I-I'm not sorry for leaving you Camila..." I knew when those words escaped my lips, I knew I wouldn't get her back but at least I'll try.

She sniffed as she looked down at the ground and subconsciously nodded her head before looking back at me again, "You fucked up enough, Y/n. You're such a fucking asshole" I can take whatever she wants to say to me but her next words really hurt me the most and made my heart sink. "I wish I never met you at all" and then she walked away as I saw the girls glared at me but Ally who looked sorry for me before they all followed her to their car and drove off and I was left standing here alone.

Nodding my head as I looked away from the paparazzi who's still filming me and felt a tear rush down to my cheek and wiped it quickly with my fingers as I sniff. Closing my fist in anger at myself for hurting her when I felt someone pulled me in for a hug and I reciprocate it, knowing it's my best friend Vanessa. "It'll be fine Y/n" She whisper as she tighten our hug when I sob unknowingly in her arms.

Camila's POV

I cried silently in my bunk when I heard Dinah checking up on me as she open my curtains slowly. "You okay Walz?" She asked me as she turn around and saw her looking at me worriedly and sadly.

I sniff before responding, "I'm fine Dinah" and giving her a small smile as I wiped my tears with my sleeves. She looked at me not believing what I said so I quickly added, "I'll be fine" and she sighed before nodding sadly and walking off after closing my curtains.

After a few minutes of me staring at nothing, I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket which I forgot that it was there and slowly reach for it and turn it on, seeing a text from Shawn.

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