T W E N T Y | F I V E

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Matt's POV
I took my seat back where I was sitting earlier and watch them sat on the other couch, mindlessly averting their gaze at every corner in this room before it all landed on mine.

Subtly licking my lower lip, I cleared my throat before opening up my mouth to speak. "Everyone, this is Vanessa..." I said as I glance at her with a smile before looking back at them, "Y/n and I's friend" I finished as I watch them give her a heartwarming smile which she gladly reciprocate before she respond.

"nice to meet you guys"

Luke is sitting on the other couch on my left, besides her wife Shane while Vanessa is on a different couch, in front of me. The other guy which I assumed is in the same age as mine, sat beside Shane while the other girl who I also didn't know, sat beside Vanessa who's already looking at me when I glanced at her.

I gave her a small smile before I heard Luke spoke up that cause me to look back at him. "So this is Kate and Kyle-"

"twins, I see..." I trailed off when I cut him off and saw him chuckled before glancing at the two with an amused looked. The two's not identical but you can see they're twins on a first look. Both have black hair, blue eyes but Kate have a little bit darker shades.

I averted my gaze on Kate who's currently mumbling something near Vanessa's face, I slightly furrows my eyebrows. "Y/n didn't mention you two to me..." I told them as I eyed Kate who squinted her eyes at me before whispering at Vanessa's ear and they both suddenly chuckled while both gaze are on me.

"well, Y/n is really a secretive person so I'm honestly not surprised that you don't know us..." Kyle started as he run his fingers through his slightly messy hair while staring at me. "by the way, where is she though? She seems aren't around.." he suddenly asked and took a quick glance at Luke who's showing something on his phone with his wife while keeping his huge smile on his face. The couple looked busy looking through their phone so they probably didn't heard us or just didn't put any attention cause they were too focused on something.

"yeah, where the hell is she?" I heard his sister asked as well but her attention aren't mine so I stopped myself from answering when I was about too after seeing her staring at Vanessa as she waits for her answer.

I sighed before leaning my back to the couch as I open my mouth to talk, "she's on her way" and looked back at them.

"do you think she'll like it?" I heard Luke asked Shane with a nervous smile as he glance at her from his phone.

I watch Shane grin before responding, "oh honey... of course. She will even love it since it's from you" she told him as he eased up a little bit with what she said and smiled at her before giving her a soft kiss of her temple.

"I just really hope so... I want nothing but the best for our daughter love" he told her and when he notices my attention, he let out a breathy low laugh before glancing at everyone. "Now where is she?" he asked with a contagious smile that I mirrored before we all heard a several knock on the door. I smirk at him before standing up as I head towards the door with my overly happy state.
Your POV
Camila and I both anxiously waited for the door to open and once it did, it revealed a smiling Matthew in front of us as he held the door, slightly covering the whole living room in our sight.

I give him a worried gaze before asking, "Matt, what happened?" and watch his expression quickly change after he saw Camila standing beside me.

"oh uh... Why are you two together?" he suddenly asked, his attention are only on the girl beside me but his eyes are switching between her and I.

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