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Camila's POV
She looked surprised about what I said and I know to myself that it hurted her feelings too. Glancing at them before she finally looked at me and I can swear to God that I suddenly got nervous because of how she looked at me. It's like she regretted everything that she did to me and for leaving me... but I know that she didn't because she said it so.

"...no" She slowly said while she looked straight to my eyes without even blinking. She opens her mouth and talk. "I'm not desperate, Camila... cause I know my limit. If you're thinking that I wanted to get back with you just because I'm here in front of you, well you're goddamn wrong because that's not why I'm here" Okay stop... I don't why that'd just hurt me. "I wanted closure and that's it because believe me or not, I'm still not over you... and I know us won't happen again so for me to not get hurt even though I already am, I wanted to end it as quickly as possible than let it grow more"  Y/n stop talking like this, I swear to god. "And I'm not asking you to agree to this as your ex... I'm asking you as a friend" I don't know why but everything she just said hurted me more than what I expected. I slightly widen my eyes when I recalled her say that she's still not over me because I felted the same way too. I'd be lying if I said I already moved on from her because I didn't and she's right.... I needed closure. For me to reciprocate the love that Shawn's giving me, I needed it. She slowly let out a sigh before she talks again, "Please Camila, I..." she trailed off and didn't finish what she was about to say when her eyes averted behind me and stayed there. She's just staring...

I slowly furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her right hand that's holding her phone, tightens it's grip to it and also her other hand, slowly close into a fist as she keep her serious face while keep staring. I take a glance at Normani who's beside her and slightly raised my eyebrow at her. She quickly noticed me before secretly taking a glance at her. Lauren also looked at the same time beside her before they looked back at me and shrugs.

I bite my lips anxiously as I looked at her unreadable expression before I felted somebody lean on to my side and noticed it was Dinah. "Camila, tell her you agreed if you wanna go out here alive damn..." I heard her whispered to me as she keeps glancing at Y/n, I mean we are all...

I cleared my throat before answering, "uh Y/n, I agree..." and saw her slowly blinked before she switched her eyes at me, still with her serious-scary look as she slowly clenched her jaw.

She nodded at me as she looked away and bite her bottom lip slowly, making me gulp as I secretly stare at it. "Can I?" I heard her coldly asked when she looked at me, pointing her finger to my glass of water in front of us but I'm still focus on looking at her lips so I forgot to respond.

Damn those lips...

"Camila" I heard somebody whispered-yelled, making me look at that person and saw Dinah secretly smirking at me.

"Y-Yeah sure..." I stutter as I felt my cheek slowly heated, feeling embarrass in front of Y/n.

Why does she have to be so looking good these days? Like damn...

I saw her slowly lean forward to the table while still looking at me suspiciously, picking up the glass of water before she hold it up to her lips and slowly drink it. As I was watching her drink my water, I didn't notice that I was slowly biting my lips until I heard somebody talks that brought me out to my fantasy.

"Somebody's thirsty..." that's Lauren's voice. I quickly turn my head to look at her, squinting my eyes as I secretly glared at her and she just smirk at me as well as them except for Ally who's just nonchalantly eating her waffles beside Dinah since we already ordered our order and already here before Y/n even arrived.

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