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Camila woke up with a slightly headache and slowly sat up straight while massaging her temples with both of her hand. Her mind wonderes to Y/n before and after she wokes up so she quickly but carefully grab her phone at the nightstand and tried to dial her girlfriend but she's not answering so she tried again and again until she dicided to stop, thinking that maybe she's already drunk and sleeping in one of Katherine's guest rooms even though she's not having it cause she noticed that she have a slightly crush on Y/n or she's just busy having so fun with them. She take a deep breath before sighing as she slowly rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up more before pullihg herself off her bed. Her eyes averted to the clock that's placed in front of her bed at the wall and saw it's already quarter to one in the morning. She's having these feeling that she need to see Y/n and check if she's okay so she decided to just follow her instinct to go to that party. She changes her cloths to a normal ones and also put on a sweater since it's naturally cold at this hour. She slowly sneak down the stairs after she walked out of her room and closed it behind her after.

Walking slowly as she keep praying in her head that her parents are still asleep along with her sister and she won't get caught sneaking out in the middle of the night- morning, she guess. Opening the front door slightly and slowly as she quickly walk out and slowly closed it back without locking it since she's thinking that she won't be gone that long and back within an hour. She fast-walked to the gate and carefully climbed it since it's locked and the keys are inside but she thinks it's too risky to go inside again so she doesn't have any choice but to climb it. She happily jumped down the gate and quickly grabbed her phone in her pocket before calling someone she knows that attended the party while walking to the side of the street, much more away from her house.

"Hey Paul, are you still at the party?" She quickly asked him when he picked up.

"Yeah... I'm quite surprised you decided to call me after what happened..." he trailed off and she immediately rolled her eyes at she stopped beside at the tree and lean her shoulder there.

"Yeah whatever but that's not why I called..." she also trailed off, biting her lower lip.

"Then what is it love?" He asked her, slightly smirking at the other line.

"Stop calling me that... it was a one time thing okay? And that's not gonna happen ever again" She exclaimed as she take a sigh after and glances around her.

"Okay baby, no need to get mad at me..." she heard him said, noticing that it's slightlty sarcastically said.

"Anyways I need a ride... can you come and pick me up?" She asked him and heard him sighed.

"Yeah sure... be there soon" and he immediately hang up.

Meanwhile... Paul quickly finished the cup of his drink 'till it's last drop after he hung up the call and put it in his pocket. He quickly stand up, making some of his friends to furrowed their eyebrows at his sudden actions.

"What's up?" His friend, Jack, asked him as he looked at him.

"Need to pick up someone, be right back" he simply said and put the emtpy cup down and quickly invaded the area until he bumped into Katherine and another girl that he doesn't know.

Both of them laugh at it while he just stared at them until they both slowly leave the area and him without saying sorry or anything.

He didn't mind it that much and shrug it off before continuing walking outside the house to pick up Camila.


"Thank you so much Paul, I appreciate the help" Camila thanked him after he picked her up and drop her at the front of Katherine's house before both of them get out of his car and headed inside.

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