T W E N T Y | T W O

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Camila's POV

I clenched my fist that's resting on my lap from under the table when I saw how Lauren and Y/n looked at each other.

I admit I kinda got jealous right now when I know I shouldn't feel this way. We're not together anymore and that truth bothers me a little bit. I'm honestly conflicted of the two. I like them both. I love Shawn more and I can say that to anyone truthfully but I'm getting more confused of my feelings towards him when I'm with Y/n. But on Y/n's case, I really don't know. I still really like her and I do love her but not like before...

We are currently waiting for the same waiter to arrive with our orders while the girls are having a conversation with each other until Dinah spoke up that caught Y/n and my attention. "so you guys are like.. friends now?" she asked. Confusion plastered on her face as she glance at the both of us. Y/n and I hesitantly looked at each other before I decided to answer that.

"yeah... We're friends" I awkwardly said as I take a quick glance at Y/n.

She seemed like she doesn't liked my answer but quickly forced a smile when she noticed I was looking at her. I bit my lower lip as I slowly turn my gaze at my hands that's not resting on the table before I hear Dinah mumble, "that's odd...". My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I heard that.

"how so?" Y/n curiosity asked beside me, leaning her body closer to the table as she stare at Dinah in front of us.

She smirked before answering, "cause exes can't be friends and we both know that... I mean they can be but for the two of you?" she paused and glance at Y/n and I before continuing, "I don't think so... It's either you two get back together or simply nothing and be a stranger to one another" she finished with a satisfaction look on her face.

"I can already see it's gonna be the first one" Normani commented as she grinned at me before secretly smirking at the girl beside me.

"girl I'll bless you with more chicken wings when that happens" we all heard Ally said as she chuckled and we all giggled before noticing the waiter was already walking towards our table with the breakfast we ordered.

Your POV

When the waiter finally placed all of our meal down on the table and walk off with a smile, the girls and I started eating without exchanging words after Ally so I decided to break it by clearing my throat after I took a sip on the glass of water in front of me and glance at all of them but on my peripheral vision, my focus are on Camila. "So I heard you guys have a concert this coming week... when exactly if I may ask?" I asked as I glance at her who quickly looked away when I caught her looking at me.

I heard Ally cleared her throat before she decided to answer, "it's on saturday"

"I'm surprised you guy aren't still doing your stuff since it's kinda near now..." I trailed off as I nodded to myself.

"Yeah cause we're on a day off today but probably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we'd start doing it" Normani said as she put the finished chicken wings on her plate and took another one fron it.

Nobody talks after that again and I don't know why but it's kinda awkward for me to be here at the moment but I quickly suck it up and talk. "To be honest... three years ago, I didn't expect this would really happen to Camila..." I suddenly told them as I refuse to look up and felt all their gaze on me even the girl beside me. I stayed my gaze on my place as I played with the food I didn't get to finish since I'm already full even though I didn't really ate anything before this. "But I'm happy it did... cause if it didn't, I would probably blame myself for it. I would think it's my fault cause I ruined her dreams because of what happened to us" I finished and just dicided to look up after a few moment and notice everyone is stating at me with an unreadable expression.

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