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Your POV

"Y/n?" I heard somebody called out my name that caused me to immediately open my eyes and saw a petite woman in front of me.

I sighed, "What do you want?" I asked politely while I properly stood straight and put my phone in my back pocket as I take a step forward before I looked back at her again.

She seems to be a little shock at my question which I can't see why since I'm being polite, but tried not to show it so she quickly answered, "I was thinking if... we could talk... you know about-" she didn't get the chance to finish what she's about to say because I decided to cut her off there.

"There's nothing to talk about" I simply said while I boredly looked at her and was about to walk out but she stop me by quickly walking towards me and grabbing my wrist.

"Please Y/n... your father suffers enough-"

"The fuck do I care?!" I snapped at her and pulled my hand away from her grip as I glared at her. "I suffered in his hands more than he's suffering right now... did I asked for help? Fucking no!" I exclaimed angrily at her and she just looked at me sadly.

"Y/n... just forgive him please... that's all I ask" she begged as she tried to hold my hand but I quickly stepped back.

"Do you fucking think that's so easy to do?! Do even know what he did to me?! Easy for you to say because you have no idea how it felt to be mistreated and abuse by your own father! Now fucking tell me again to forgive him when he tried to kill his own daughter that's just happens to be me!" I shouted angrily at her as I breathe heavily in front of her, trying to calm myself but I think its not gonna work anytime soon.

I heard some door barges open but didn't mind it until I heard Vanessa asked, "Y/n, what's happening here?" and felted her walked beside me as she looked at the both of us with a furrowed eyebrows.

Taking a quick glance at her, "Nothing, I was just about to leave" I firmly said while I glared at John's now wife and turn around to walk away but I was just taking a few steps away when she talks again that made me stop my walk out moment.

"Y/n, he's dying!"

I bite my bottom lips really hard and slowly tasted it metalic taste in my tongue before I decided to respond bitterly without looking back at her, "Much better then" and walk away completely until I stopped in front of the elevator. I waited a few minutes before it opens and I quickly walked inside, seeing no one that made me thanked myself mentally and sigh in relief.

Pressing the ground floor quickly as I breathe angrily when I quickly remembered what just happened and can't help but close both of my hand into a fist. I punched the metal elevator door again and again until I let all of my anger out of me and slowly started to feel the stinging pain in my hand that I just caused. I take a deep breath as I slowly take a step back until I felt my back press the cold metal wall and rest it there before closing my eyes and breathe in and out to calm myself down.

Thank god I'm the only one who's in the elevator right now cause I'm surely gonna kill someone in this state.

After a few minutes, the elevator dinged, signaling that I'm already on the ground floor while it's door slowly opens and I quickly walk outside before it even completely opens, making some of the people outside who's waiting, slightly widen their eyes when they see me in a deep hurry and quickly walk aside since they're blocking the way.

I walk towards the exit and completely leave the building. Looking both side of me, I saw my black car parked outside at the side of the street and quickly headed there as I grab my phone in my pocket and my...

"Shit" I whispered-yelled when I didn't find my keys in my pocket and remembered that I left it inside Vanessa's apartment.

I walked near my car and slowly stop beside it as I place my hand on my car's hood and tap my fingers there repeatedly while I turn my phone on to dial Matt but before I did Dinah's responds caught my attention.

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