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Your POV
Quickly entering my car after I unlocked it and turned on the engine before speeding off of the side way of the street.
Been waiting for Camila here in front of the gate in our school. I'm not really thinking about going in to check if she's already inside because I'm really here to attend school, I just wanted to talk to her so badly.

It's been a week since I pushed her away at my Dad's house and I haven't seen her since my Dad's not really letting me out of the house after he finds out that Camila and I are together. Cause the truth is, I just escaped and I'm sure he'll kill me when I come back there.

Camila and Katherine didn't know about this but Matt do. I know I can just stay at his house with his father but I don't want to bother them even though he insist.

I'm wearing a black hoodie so that no one would recognize me from afar even though they didn't surely know me since I rarely turn up but that's not the point.

"Y/n is that you?" I heard somebody asked behind me so I quickly looked to that direction.

I slightly smiled after seeing her before responding, "Hey".
I surprisingly stopped in front of a very familiar place where I always go when I needed someone to comfort me, and slowly open the car door as I slowly get out before closing it behind me after.

I sighed after I breathe in some fresh air and looked at my wounded hand still with a slightly dried blood on it before briefly closing my eyes for a minute.

Slowly walking inside the gate as I take a glance behind me before turning around and walking straight to where's my mother's grave is at.


After a while of walking, I finally reached her and slowly take a stop in front of her grave stone before staring at it.

I quickly looked away when I felt my eyes started watering and looked up in the sky before sighing. I bite my bottom lip as I take all of my confidence and look back at her again.

I opens my mouth slowly before talking, "Hi mom..." I said and looked down in my shoes as I breathe in before continuing, "How are you?... it's been so long... since I... s-since I visited you...". I looked back at her grave stone as I slowly felt my tears running down in my cheeks and hold back a sniff by slowly taking a breathe in and out. "I-I miss you mom..." I said as I close my eyes and silently sob, feeling the cold breeze of air touches my skin, making me slightly shivers at the sudden changes of breeze of air here. "I-I fucking do..." I added as my voice cracked in the end. "Why?... why do you have to leave me?... I wish you didn't... d-didn't..." I trailed off as I opens my eyes and quickly turn my head down as I put both of my hand in my face and slowly cried as I remember it again...
My Dad and I are currently sitting and waiting outside of the emergency room of this hospital for more that's five hours now. Wishing that everything will turn out well and successful. Today's mom's operation and I hope- no, I know that she'll fight it and survive. We're both anxious, scared, and nervous of what will happen after the operation. None of us are talking while we wait for I don't know how many hours it'll take and just stare at the plain wall in front of us while we're sitting in this uncomfortable seat.

I heard Dad sighed for the fifth times now before I saw him put both of his hands in his hair and grip it tightly before running it down at his face. I slowly looked away from him and glance down to my interlocked fingers before brushing them all together nervously.

After a half hour or so, we both heard the two ways door opened and Dad quickly stood up from his seat and walked towards the guy that I believe is a doctor, before facing him with his question, "How is she?".

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