T W E N T Y | F O U R

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Your POV
I huffed, "but pineapples on pizza are delicious though... It's my favourite" I told them as I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes at them, mainly at Dinah.

"no, it's not. It's gross" Dinah said as she faked a gag and laughed with normani who agreed with her.

"I'm offended" I blurted out and saw a glimpse of Lauren chuckling at my response before she decided to defend me.

"yeah same... I love pineapples" she said as she smirk at me who I raised my eyebrows at.

I heard a huff beside me but didn't put attention to it that much until I heard Camila silently mumbled, "I love them too..." as I secretly glance at her and saw her staring down at her interlocking fingers while gently biting her lower lip.

Smirking, I responded, "no, you don't" and that caught her attention and the girls. She turns to look at me and slightly furrowed her eyebrows while fighting gaze with me. "remember that time I was eating pizza with you? The look on your face says it all... You're disgusted" I said as I laughed lowly, remembering the funny expression she wore that time.

I watched her furrows her eyebrows more before looking up as she thought about it deeply and suddenly bursting out in laughter. "oh my god you're right... but that was before Y/n!" she exclaimed at me as she giggled and I rolled my eyes at her with a small smile on my face. "I love them now..." she trailed off, staring at me with a shy smile.

"why, what's the sudden change?" I asked, looking away from her as I glance at the girls who's already looking at the both of us with either confused state or with a smug grip from Dinah. I averted my gaze back at her with a slight smile on my face.

I was too caught up to think that maybe, just maybe, she misses me even for a bit and tried doing things what she dislikes about me to try to find out why I liked those. My hopes are higher than what I intended them to be so the respond she give me, seriously killed my mood.

"Shawn loves eating those so... It's a good influence I guess" she said all too quickly and chuckled after as she looked away then when realization comes up to her, she stopped and slowly looked down at her hands.

I forced a smile as I gently looked away and caught a glimpse of the girls also awkwardly looking away while clearing their throat. I licked my lips before subtly biting them, I respond. "yeah uh... that's great"

After that, silence quickly filled the air but the girls tried to break it away by starting a conversation again. Camila and I are the only one whe went quiet as expected and the rest of the girls are discussing something with themselves. If was a few moment when suddenly, my phone went off, getting all of their attention to turn on me.

I picked my phone up and answered the call from Matt.

"hey, what's up?" I asked him on the other line while eyeing the girls.

"Y/n, you gotta come here to your apartment right now" I heard him said so desperately, making me furrow my eyebrows worriedly.

I shifted on my seat anxiously before responding back, "why, what happened?" I saw Camila in my peripheral vision, stares at me with worried eyes.

"somebody break in. Cops just left a minute ago... You better come here now" He quickly ended the call before I even got the chance to respond so I unconsciously stood up, causing everyone to stare at me confused.

"I'm sorry, I need to go" I told them as I give them an apologetic look while slipping my phone in my pocket and picking up my car keys from the other side.

I saw Camila took a quick glanced at the girls before asking, "why? Is there something wrong Y/n?" as we met each others gaze.

I hesitate at first but decided to tell them. "somebody break into my apartment..." I revealed and saw their shock faces as I glance at each one of them, one by one. "I gotta go, I can't waste any more time. I need to know how'd it happened when the place is always guarded... I'll just see you guys later" I told them quickly as I averted my eyes at Camila who's in furrowed eyebrows, staring down at the table.

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