T H I R T Y | S I X

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Here you go guys an update yay!
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Camila's POV
It's been like two weeks since the last time I saw Y/n and between that time I've been going back and forth into the hospital to visit Mrs. Shane and somehow talk to John about Y/n. I just want to know more about her ever since I found out about what he did to her back then. I just wanted to know more so that I can help her with I can. It's the least that I can do for her.

Mrs. Shane's doing well and as for Y/n's dad, the doctor's still waiting for her response to it—if she wanted her father to be buried or cremated but Y/n haven't said anything yet so they can't really do anything about it.

Matthew haven't been around as well as Y/n. Ever since she left him with that hurtful words, he have been quiet the whole day that time and was so out of it. He visited once in a while, maybe trying to avoid seeing Y/n if ever she decided to visit her family in here. I also know Vanessa visits as well, whenever she got time off from her work or a day off, she'd spent her time her to take care of Y/n's mom.

Our concert here in Miami already finished a week ago and I could tell that I was so out of it which caused a bad performance of mine but that didn't include to my problems since I have more important things to think about and take care of.

I'm currently at the exit of the hospital building right now and I'm with John as I was helping him reach to his car in the parking lot since he doesn't want to stay here any longer. The doctor already know about this and discharged him but told to check in from time to time in case of possible infection in his wound.

"I don't know if it's okay for me to ask this but, is Y/n not really your daughter?" I suddenly blurted out as we went down on the small stairs outside, near the parking lot of the building and saw him took a glance at me.

I know I shouldn't be talking to him but I want to know more about Y/n's situation even though I'm struggling from cursing at him right now for abusing her in the past but I still managed to calm myself.

He let out a knowing hum as he looked straight in front of him. "Claire got pregnant one day and told me about it. I really didn't doubt it that it wasn't mine since we already done it a few times so I was really happy with that news even though we're too young for that matter" I heard him started and took a stop from walking to look at me. "I was so happy that I proposed to her and asked her to marry me when she have her legal age. We got married and have family at a young age and I could remember that I was the happiest man in the world. With my daughter, with my wife... who's my first love" he continues and look back at the surroundings in front of us. "but I wasn't hers unfortunately" he said, now looking at the night sky. "I found out I wasn't the father and I accepted that and treated her the same, like my own. And then we had another child and this time, it was mine until he died at 2 years old from an accident with Y/n. I knew I couldn't blame the kid but maybe I was fucked up in the head" he said as he let out a breath before continuing towards where his car is parked.

"you really did a horrible thing.. she was just a kid. My God.." I stated as I forced shut my eyes, preventing myself from slapping him in the face.

"I know.. but I really didn't mean what happened. You can ask Matthew about it, he knows it more than anyone.." he ramble as he looked at me, begging in his eyes to believe him.

I gently open my mouth, about to respond until my eyes caught a familiar posture walking towards him that made my eyes widen in respond.
Gently opening my eyes, I began to carefully rub it as a response to wake myself up even more before beginning to start my day and making sure to glance at the wall clock beside my bed.

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