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Camila's POV
I woke up to someone's calling my name, telling me to get out of my bunk because someone's looking for me so I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly before getting out to go to the bathroom but before did somebody's figure stopped me.

Looking up as I slowly adjust my sight because of the sudden light and saw Shawn smiling at me in front of me and I suddenly return the gesture before talking,

"Babe, What're you doing here? not that I don't want you here..." I said as he scooted closer to hug me and I quickly reciprocate it, burying my face in his chest.

"I wanted to see you and make sure you're okay... you kinda didn't replied me yesterday" He said as he sighed. He must be upset because his tone says it all and that why he wanted to see me.

I pulled away and looked at him as I take his hand, "I'm so sorry, the girls and I were watching some movies yesterday and my phone's dead cause I forgot to charge it" I half lied.

He nodded in understanding before responding, "Well... you wanna go out?" He asked and I was a little bit confuse by what he meant so I furrowed my eyebrows. "Like have breakfast outside" He elaborate because he maybe notice my confuse state.

"yeah of course, I'll just get ready" I said and quickly go inside the bathroom and faced the mirror as I put my hand on the sink after locking the door.

A sigh escaped my lips as I stare at myself in the mirror and quickly notice something in my neck, it's my necklace from Y/n. I reached it with my hands and slowly take it off and stare at it as I rubbed my thumb to it, remembering the day she gave me this.

Today's our one year anniversary and to say that I'm very excited is very much understanding because it's one year, it's not just month it's one year and I'm really happy we made it this far.

I'm currently getting ready for our day because Y/n texted me she will be here to pick me up in a few minutes. It's already 7pm when I walked out to my room when Mami called out for me saying that she's here and saw Mami looking at me as she smiled, making me chuckled,

"Mami why are you looking at me like I'm getting married or something" I joked as I walked towards her and faced her.

"Oh shut up I know you're not but I know this day is very special for you and Y/n so I'm just really happy for you mija" She said as she take my hand and pulled me in for a hug and I quickly reciprocate it as I smiled.

"Thank you Mami" I said as she rubbed her hand in my back and we slowly pulled away when Papi's voice boomed into the living room, making our head snapped towards him.

"hermosa... como tu madre" And then he grinned as he face her and take her hand as he looked at me when he smiled. "She's waiting outside mija, she said she doesn't want to intrude or anything" he added as he frowned at me while he side hug her.

"You know it's been a year and she's still too very polite that it got to the point where she's thinking she's intruding us when she steps a foot inside of our house" Mami said as she looked at me worriedly. "mija if there's a problem she having about her life you should tell us so that we can help her too" She added and I let out a sigh before responding,

"Mami I'll tell you guys if I know but she just doesn't like opening up about her life... she doesn't like talking about her family when I tried to brought it to our conversation, she just... doesn't" I told them truthfully as sighed again.

"mija you should encourage her to tell you but not too much where she's gonna shut you out if she doesn't really want to. Just let her know you're there to listen wherever she's ready to tell you, make her feel that she have someone to comfort her when she brakes down completely... let her know that you'll always be there for her" She said as she gives me a heart warming smile alongside with him who's smiling at me.

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