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Your POV
Entering my apartment as I pin her body into the door after I closed it behind her and quickly crashed my lips into hers. It didn't take long before she kiss me back as her hands roam around my neck, caressing it. I pulled away, quickly sucking her neck as I find her sweet spot immediately and put all my attention to that area.

I heard her whimper as she prevent herself from moaning as I suck on her neck harder, knowing that I'll left a mark on there.

Lifting her shirt up as I paused on what I'm doing and take it off from her head and throw it somewhere in the room.

I pinned her more to the door as I continue to place kisses and keep on sucking her neck, collarbone, and shoulders but I quickly stop when I remember something.

I'm currently waiting for Matt to come to this place where we decided to meet up since I asked him nicely to help me with something.

Tapping my phone repeatedly to my palm as I waited impatiently for him to arrive since he's really taking too long and wasting my time.

A sighed escaped my mouth for the third time when I saw him suddenly enter this place that I'm in and when he saw me, he quickly gave me this apologetic look before he decided to talk.

"Dude I'm really sorry, something came up and I had to check it out first" he said as he stopped in front of me.

I stand up from the chair and walked towards him to give him a quick hug before responding, "it's fine... Let's go? We still need to get ready for Katherine's party later so we need to make it quick" I told him as we started heading outside to his car and enter.

"What do you need help for anyway?" He suddenly asked as he started the car and slowly drive off the parking lot and hit the road.

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