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Camila's POV
I was currently waiting for the guy to hand out some ice-cream that I just bought when I suddenly heard a snapped coming from my right side, towards me that caught my attention. I averted my gaze at it to find her taking a picture of me secretly.

"are you taking pictures of me, Y/n?" I suddenly asked that made her realize that she had been caught.

I watch her let out a cute laugh before making her way towards me as she glance at her camera. "I just thought it'd be a waste to not capture the moment" she genuinely responds as she look over at the guy scooping some ice-cream to the cones.

"and what kind of moment was it?" I asked her as I raised my brow at her with a small hinted smirk.

Her fascinating eyes brought back to mine with a smug look before she decided to respond. "I call it a.. My Camila Cabello moment" she answered and I found myself looking away when I felt my cheeks heated at the word 'my'.

"whatever you say, Y/n" I told her as I discreetly bit the bottom of my lip.

I heard her faintly laugh before minding her own business again with her camera as she lean her back to this ice-cream truck. I smiled as I watch her face lit up with every picture she'd view before my attention was brought back to the guy who's now handing me the two ice-cream I bought. I called out to her as I handed her the other one and she thanked me before licking at its side.

Licking my own vanilla ice cream, we made our way back to the bench we were just currently using and help ourselves out as we took a seat with our ice cream.

We are currently in the park right now. Yes, the ones where we used to go but she doesn't know about it of course. I always think about what will happen if she started to remember.

How will she take it?..

I forced shut my eyes as I gently shook my head, trying to throw away the thoughts that's giving me anxiety at the moment and gaze back at Y/n who's happily eating her ice cream.

She feels the same but cheerful and childish-like

I then remember the conversation I had with Matthew at that time.
"she doesn't remember anything" I heard him said but quickly furrowed my eyebrows when I remember something.

"but you said she was calling out for someone when she woke up?"

"I.. I don't know if it's possible but the doctor said that it's the least we could expect especially when she already had an amnesia when she were a kid.. He said that the case might be.. Uh how do you put it, like, the only thing she can remember now was the time before the accident happened back when she was a kid. He explained that it might be possible for her to remember the memories she forgot but forgot the memories she had after the incident. It's quite complicated but I'm starting to get it"

"so you're telling me that..?"

I heard him let out a breath before responding, "that Y/n now is a grown up with a mindset of a 6 years old. But since her brain was already developed, you could say she's a genius kid at how well she's quickly going to adapt at situations" he said as he chuckle.
"what makes you interested in photography, Y/n?" I found myself asking her as I watch her look into her photos.

She turn her head towards me as she lick her ice cream before smiling as she responds. "I just found it mesmerizing to capture anything.. And it makes me happy looking back at the photos I took"

I smiled at her respond before slowly curving the corner of my lips as I thought about something.

"so you're saying you find me mesmerizing then? And it makes you happy looking at the pictures you took of me secretly" I pointed out with a smug look on my face.

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