T W E N T Y | T H R E E

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Your POV
It was the same day around 10pm when I finally sneak out of our house and from my psychopath father after I got out earlier that he beat the shit out of me for it's daily punishment. If you're thinking about why don't I just escape and don't come back anymore or report him to a cop or something, I honesty want to but I can't cause I'm too caught up thinking that he'll change someday... he's my father after all.

I admit I got very suspicious about what my friend just told me earlier so I sneak out and went to her house cause I want to see her today again and what she's doing. Such a stalker side of me but whatever. It's not because I don't trust my girlfriend that much when I can just ask her about it but it's because I don't trust the answer she'd give me...

'Y/n, that's literally the same thing dumbass'

My head automatically shook at the thought as I stayed on the other side of the street, in front of their house and suddenly saw the front door opened, revealing my girlfriend who quickly got out and carefully close the door behind her after.

I hide myself more behind this tree in front of me even though I know she can't see me since it's really dark in here where I'm currently at. I saw her turn her phone on after she walked out of their gate as she quickly typed on her phone then ten minutes or more later, a car suddenly stopped in front of us since we're both on the other side of the street, and the driver quickly walked out, revealing my friends cousin, Paul.

"You look beautiful even at night" I heard him shitty complimented her and quickly walked to the side, in front of me from afar to open the car door for her.

"Thank you... you're not so bad yourself Paul" she flirted back, making me suck my teeth as I watch her finally take her seat inside while the dude shut it close and quickly do the same as hers. "So where are we going?" I clearly heard her asked, even though I'm a bit far from them. Maybe it's because it's very silent here that I could hear even a normal whisper.

"On a cliff... I heard it's such a beautiful view up there especially at night..." I heard him trailed off as I heard the car started it's engine. "It's on the other side of the hill" he added as I watch the car moved forward and slowly disappear in my sight.

I quickly got my phone out from my pocket while still staring where the car disappeared and dial the only person who can help me right now.


"I think this is the way up on the hill and cliff you wanna go..." he trailed off as he took a turn to the other side and carefully drove up to the rocky uphill small path way. I suddenly heard him let out a sigh when I didn't respond, "Y/n you're still not telling me why you suddenly woke me up ten and a half in the damn evening just so I can take you up on a random cliff here... if you're just gonna watch the damn stars and sky, you can do it in your own room and stare at it from the window" he said, hinting a bit of irritation in his voice.

I quickly clenched my jaw before telling him to stop the car which he quickly obbeyed and looked at me confused. "Get out. We're walking" I told him as I got out of his car and shut the door close behind me.

He huffed but followed suit and unlock his car after, "why do we have to walk when we can literally use the car to made it on top...". I decided to not respond and started heading to what I think is the way to the top of the cliff while he followed behind, dragging his foot that's making a shifting sounds on the ground that's annoying me. "Seriously Y/n, what are we doing here?" He mumbled and sigh for the second time again. I looked over at him and made a face that I know that will shut him up and it did so I continued on my tracks, finding the car they used.

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