T W E N T Y | N I N E

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I'm bored so... Another update bish.
Your POV
I open my mouth but quickly hesitate to tell her what I really wanted her to know and saw her expression that she probably already had a guess what I'm about to say so I decided to not tell her after all. "I mean nothing. We should head inside now, they're probably waiting" I simply told her as I looked away and walked passed her, heading to the front door while I heard her called out for me as she quickly trailed behind.

I let out a frustrated sigh before coming up with a half lie to tell her as I stopped in my tracks and faced her, "that I hurt you with what you saw and assumed that you were somehow jealous about that but then I thought" I pause as I take a good look at her confused face before looking away with a sigh as I continued, "Why would you be jealous? Cause obviously you moved on and there's no reason for you to be jealous of something you don't have any feelings anymore..." I told her as I saw her shifted on her feet in my peripheral vision so I averted my gaze back at her and saw a glimpse of her slightly smirking at somewhere else.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I stare at her, feeling confused. "what?" I asked, loud enough for her to get startled.

She looked back at me with the same expression I wore and respond, "nothing, let's go" she quickly said as she started walking away and I watched her with my confused state, walk inside the house without looking back at me. I shook my head before starting to walk to the front side of this huge house.

The front of the house is painted with white and sky blue colours but with a little bit of grey on some of the edges and the whole roof. I averted my gaze down and saw a two double hung windows, side by side on the right and left side of the front open door. Two white coloured wooden chairs placed on the left side of the front porch and a nice looking small table between them. Probably a great place for night chilling and stuff when you can't sleep but I doubt that since I haven't seen the back of the house yet where the lake is placed at.

I take a look overall of the front porch before I decide to go inside and start closing the wooden colour door since I believe there's no one who'll be entering any minute now cause I was the last one. After carefully closing the door, I averted my gaze inside and saw the whole breathtaking living room of this lake house.

"wow..." I whispered as my eyes landed on the fireplace where the twins is currently at, having conversation with each other who just noticed me now. They called out for me to have a seat with them but I just smiled at them for a response as I continued on looking at each corner of this living room and didn't notice a presence beside me until the person talked.

"so... what do you think of the house?" I heard my dad asked beside me so I averted my gaze at him with a huge smile.

"it's gorgeous..." I told him as I looked back at the clear glass huge window on the side, to the couches and the wooden table at the center before switching my eyes back to him. "I remember taking a step inside of a luxurious house is one of my dreams back then... I never thought I'd get more than that because I'll be celebrating my birthday and mom's anniversary here..." I trailed off as I took a quick glance back at it before noticing his huge smile as he's looking at me. I showed him the same gesture before pulling him for a hug that he quickly reciprocate. "thank you so much dad..." I started as I felt his hands starts rubbing my back with a small chuckle. "If it wasn't because of you, I'd probably still living with him until now... I-I'd probably wouldn't end up here with all this people who I care about..." I genuinely said as I tighten my grip to his body.

"Aw.. That's some cute shit right there.." we both heard a familiar voice said and I suddenly felt him vibrates as he giggles before he pulled away from me, averting his gaze to the person.

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