T H I R T Y | S E V E N

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Y/n Y/ln's POV
"be careful, stop running!" I heard the voice of my mom called out as she took her laundry from the bathroom.

I was running in the house with my brother, James. He was just following behind while I took the lead as we both laugh whilst running around. Dad wasn't around since he always goes out to do work that mom always told us. I don't understand what that means but I hope dad's having fun out there like us.

Eventually, we got tired so I decided to go upstairs to go to my dad's room where we tend to go secretly even though he told us we're not allowed to go upstairs. I don't understand why he told us not to go but I find it fun so I always go there when dad isn't home but this time James followed me.

"Y/nnn!" I heard him dragged my name behind me and I turn around to look at him, reaching out for the final step.

"why did you follow me, huhh?" I asked him before quickly reaching out to grab his hand.

"follow.. Y/nn!" he said and I laugh at him before pulling him to the room.

"just sit here. Okay?" I told him and tap his head when he sat down.

I then look around the room. Dad's room is very clean. I climb up to the bed and jump around as I turn my body, looking around the room. But stopped suddenly when I noticed James wasn't around the room.

"James?" I called out to him as I walk outside the room and stop before the staircase.

I look down the stairs and found no James but suddenly heard his giggle behind me getting that made me turn around to face him.

"tag, Y/nn!" I heard him say as he push me off when he collided into me.

I subconsciously grab his shirt when I suddenly felt myself falling and in a few quick seconds, I can only hear the falling boxes.
I gently open my eyes and saw a white light coming from the ceiling as I look straight ahead. I can feel my dried mouth as I breathe in into something attached to my face. I assumed it's a mask like what my mom wears when she's cleaning since it looks uncomfortable to wear and breathe into. I took a blink a few times as I adjusted my eyes into the light and glance around within my reach before trying to sit up but quickly felt my body giving up.

"arhh" I groan out as try to sit up again but quickly stopped when somebody suddenly barge into the room.

They wear white different clothes and started talking things that I don't understand as they gently push me down onto the bed I'm currently laying.

I don't understand what's going on but I suddenly remember what happened yesterday and I began to wander my eyes around but found no one I'm familiar with. "James?" I called out, trying to find him into the group of people that started going in. "James!" I repeated as I began to panic when I noticed that I wasn't familiar with these people around me.

"mom?" I called out to her but heard no response and noticed the people just looked at me with expressions I couldn't understand.

I don't understand what's happening and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed which caused a headache for me to feel. "arhh—it hurts" I blurted out when I felt it stings in the side of my head and watch a few people rushes to my side as they take a look at it.

I noticed a few people look at me with concern especially the woman sitting on a chair with a slim tire on each side that looks like the one on dad's car but small. She looks like in the same age as mom and was looking at me with the same expression to a few people.

I don't know what the people on my side is doing to my head but I didn't complain since the pain started fading away. The guy beside me carefully took off my mask as he look down on me with a big smile.

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