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I'm sorry but another drama bish! enjoy though!

Your POV
Surprisingly, I got back safe even though I was practically speeding off limit but my anger state is still here so after I parked my car, I quickly stormed inside, slamming the door shut after I opened it and pacing back and fort as I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

Not this again, I though to myself as I stopped my tracks and slowly take my seat at the chair in front of me when memories flooded my mind again.
It's been a week after my Mother's funeral and I was currently sitting at our couch, trying to distract myself by watching some movies but it didn't help a bit so I just closed my eyes breathing in and out deeply.

Why's it's so hard to accept everything that happened? I Asked myself.

It's already 1am and I could sleep because I was getting worried about Dad hasn't still home by this hour. Usually he always came home early before Mom died because he always thinks about not wanting me to be alone at home because Mom's always in business trip so she always gone, leaving me and Dad in this house but because Dad's have work to do, it's only me who's alone in this house.

This past few days I notice he wasn't himself lately, he always come home late and doesn't acknowledge my presence anymore, making me question myself if it's my fault that she died because it looked like he's blaming me for it.

My thought was quickly cut off when I heard the door burst open, hearing the door slammed into the wall in full force and making me wince in surprise as I stand up to face him.

"D-dad" I stutter as I looked at his drunken self who's looking at me as he put his things down on the side table and walked towards me. "What's happening to you? Why are you always like this?" I asked him worriedly as I watched him walked toward the couch.

"Tell your Mother I'm home" He said as he sat down on the couch where I was occupying a minute ago and saw him lean his back to the soft mattress of the couch as he looked at the movie I was watching.

I sadly breathe out, looking at him and doesn't know how to tell him about it but I'll try. "Dad..." I trailed off, biting my lip as I fidget with my fingers in nervousness.

He looked up to me from the TV screen and furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you still doing there? Call your Mom!" He exclaimed as I didn't move to find or call because she isn't here anymore so I stayed put.

"Dad s-she's not here anymore... she's gone" I told him sadly as I looked down on the floor waiting for his response but instead of him responding, he suddenly stand up and grab my shirt harshly and asked,

"What did you do to her?!" He exclaimed at he gripped my shirt, both of his hands and forcedly shove me in the couch, still holding me and my heart suddenly beats frantically as I looked at him in pure feared.

"I-I didn't do anything Dad, s-she died" I nervously answered as I looked at his eyes but I feared that he didn't believe when he tightened his grip at me.

"You killed her!" He shouted and I immediately felted a sting in my lips as my face fell to the side and realization suddenly hit me.

He just punched me.

I tilted my head back to him and respond, "N-no, I wouldn't do that. She died, D-dad I-I didn't kill her" I stutter as I saw him raised his closed fist in the air and land it perfectly in my face.

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