T W E N T Y | O N E

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Lauren's POV
I rolled my eyes as I keep watching the two slowly walk their asses to get here. It's so funny how Camz is trying so hard to walk closer beside Y/n but the idiot probably doesn't see the effort she's giving cause she'll always walk slowly just to put a distant between them. I wanted to laugh so bad when I saw the look on Camila's face after finally arriving to where I was standing for so fucking long, waiting for her big ass but I didn't when I noticed the seriousness in Y/n's eyes when I glanced at her.

"you guys didn't brought a car here?" Y/n asked, breaking the small silence between all of us and glance at me with a questioning eyes after noticing that the only car that's parked here was hers I think.

I nodded, "Yeah, we actually just sneak out from everyone so..." I trailed off when I noticed Camila in my peripheral vision widen her eyes and secretly glared at me, making me frown but slowly smirk mentally. "actually she's the one who sneak out and I caught her-"

"OKAY, Lauren, we gotta go. Come on!" she exclaimed, cutting me off as she quickly grabbed my arm, dragging me away while I giggle lowly at her, glancing at Y/n behind us who's currently in a confused state and furrowed eyebrows.

"hey, wait! I can drive you guys back!" she called out when I looked away, making me look back at her again with a slight smirk as we both stop at our tracks and felt Camila turned to look at her as well.

"oh good, thank god I don't have to walk my ass off again" I mumble, gently pulling my arm away from her grip and quickly walk back towards Y/N, glancing at Camz with a knowing smirk plastered on my face. She then gave me one that clearly says 'don't you dare say anything or I'll cut your head off' before forcing a small smile at this hot girl standing beside me and followed suit.

I lick my lips before biting them when I averted my gaze at Y/n who's already looking at me with an unreadable expression. Raising my eyebrow at her, "so...?" I trailed off.

"right, yeah sorry" she quickly reacted and walked towards her car as we followed her. She unlocked the door as she walked to the side of the passenger seat and open it, glancing at Camila and I without saying a word while we both looked at each other. My eyes are asking her if she wanted to seat beside her while hers are quite hard to read like what I've seen on Y/n minutes ago.

"you can-" I started but she quickly cut me off, making me frown.

"I'll sit in the back seat" she said in a serious tone and walked towards the side of the door and nonchalantly open it before entering, shutting the door close after.

I stared at her in confusion who's silently sitting inside the car before I got called out by Y/n. "Lauren?" I snapped my head at her and saw her still holding the car's door, staring at me with a frown also. I sighed before marching up towards her and get inside while she shut the door for me before getting in at the driver's seat as well. I put on my seat belt before averting my gaze at the rear view mirror and saw Camila glaring at me but quickly looked away when I caught her 'glaring'.

Seriously, what the hell is her-
I cut off what I was thinking when I immediately realize what's maybe the reason she's being like this. A sudden smirk plastered at my face as I heard the car's engine turned on before I saw Y/N put a hand on the steering wheel and started to drive off the side way to the street.

I bit my lower lip, preventing myself from smirking too much before I start a conversation. "so Y/n..." I intentionally trailed off, glancing at Camila at the rear view mirror, making sure that she's paying attention. I heard Y/n hummed in respond as she glance at me so I decided to continue, "how are you and Vanessa?".

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