T W E N T Y | E I G H T

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Camila's POV
"Camila, come on!" I heard Dinah called out for me from outside while groaning at how much I'm taking too long.

"just a minute!" I responded back before I continued looking for my necklace. "where is it?" I subconsciously whispered as I look for it inside of my personal box and finally found it deep inside in the corner. "finally!" I said as I quickly took it and put it inside of my pocket when I decided to wear it on in the car later. I cover the box of my things before taking it back inside of my closet. As I stood up, I heard the door suddenly barge open, revealing Dinah's pissed figure. "yep, let's go" I quickly blurted out before she even opens her mouth to start blabbering about my slow ass.

I averted my eyes around and noticed the rest of the girl aren't here anymore so I turn around and looked back at her. "they're waiting outside" she answered my unasked question as we both started heading towards the elevator after locking our room.

I watched Dinah press the ground floor button after we both went inside the elevator when the metal door opened. It was silent and the fact that we're the only one who's inside adds it up until Dinah decided to break it by asking questions. "what took you so long?" I heard her asked beside me and saw her took a glance at me before I respond.

"I was looking for my necklace..." I trailed off and saw her suddenly scanning me when I switched my gaze at her.

I watch her eyes flicker to my neck back to my eyes before she decided to respond, "but you weren't wearing anything..." and I suddenly chuckled before reaching for my necklace inside of my pocket where I put it. I showed it to her, deciding on not saying anything about it so she asked again. "why don't you wear it today? It's beautiful and it suits you all the time..." she told me when I slowly looked away and softly let out a sigh.

I shrugged my shoulders as I took a quick glance back at my best friend. "I just feel like I don't have the right to wear it again you know... Especially today"

"then whyd you bother to take it with you when you're not going to wear it?" she suddenly asked with a chuckle.

I took a moment, just staring at the blur reflection of us at the metal door in front of us before I decided to respond. "I was thinking of giving it back to her..."

She quickly fell silent after she heard me say that. "...why?" she softly asked.

"I just feel guilty... everytime I'll look at it, I'll remember the time I didn't take care of it when I should have..." I said and felt her gaze on me.

"what do you mean?" I heard her hesitantly asked.

I bitterly chuckled, "I'm supposed to be taking care of it like it's her heart just like what she told me five years ago..." I started as I glance at her confused eyes. "But I was too focused on the things she told me to take care of that I didn't realize I was slowly forgetting the real thing that I should be more focused on every day..."

"I get your point, really..." I heard her started so I turn my head to look at her and found her already looking at me. "but don't you think.. It'll somehow hurt her in some way?" she hesitantly asked and stayed silent as I waited for her reason. She sighed, "Cause you know, you're about to give her the important thing she gave you back then... It'll hurt her feelings Mils and plus, she still loves you"

"you don't know that" I simply told her when I averted my eyes away from her.

I saw her shrug her shoulders from our blur reflection in the metal door before I heard her respond, "yeah, maybe I don't but I can see it in her eyes when she looks at you.. There's still some untouched feelings in that gaze she's giving you everytime you'll locked eyes with her Camila... Don't tell me you can't see that..." she trailed off and I suddenly stayed silent.

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