T H I R T Y | T W O

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Your POV
It was around 11pm when I decided to go outside of my room and headed downstairs to the living room. I noticed the silence of my surrounding and came into a thought that everyone's probably sleeping at this time.

I was about to believe my own assumption when I suddenly heard a faint voice coming from the kitchen. I slowly furrowed my eyebrows as I focused on the familiar voice and immediately realized who it came from. It was my dad's and I'm so sure of it.

As I heard the faint voice of him came to a stop and took a long pause before continuing, I then found myself slowly walking closer to the connected kitchen but near to the side where I know he won't see me. I don't know why but there's something in me saying that I should check out whatever my dad's dealing with without him knowing that I'm listening.

Taking a step closer to the corner carefully, I discreetly push my face inside the kitchen and immediately saw his back as he sat on a chair beside the long table from a few feet away from me whilst he hold a phone to his right ear. I don't even have to pull my face back on the darkness of this area where I stood because his back were already facing me, obviously means that he can't see me and won't notice my presence.

I curiously watch him listen to the person on the other side of the line and mentally prepared myself to hear what he's about to respond when I saw his shoulders slightly tensed up, probably because of what he just heard from the person.

"I want to help you.. really, but I can't just give you that much money right away.." I heard him started as I watch him rubbed his temple with his other hand before continuing, "it's a million we're talking about here.. Do you realize how much money that is? And you don't even have a regular job. How are you going to pay me then?" He asked as he let out a deep sigh and run his hand through his hair.

I can sense from here that the situation's making him frustrated to the point where I can clearly see that he's about to explode any minute now. I heard him breathe heavily as he listen carefully on the phone and suddenly shifted on his seat with a creek from the chair as he cut the person off, "don't give me that bullshit cause it's not my fault you're driving off the road with your life". He took a deep breath to calm himself before sighing it all out as he continued listening to the phone.

I know listening to somebody's conversation without their permission is wrong but I'm just having this curiosity like I wanna hear more of it cause I feel like there's part of it that's somewhat connected to me even if I'm not entirely sure. A low sigh escaped my lips as I gently shook my head, trying to ignore this weird feeling inside of me before turning around after I decided to end this wrongdoing of me and suddenly flinched when I found a figure standing in front of me.

"Why are you still up this late sweetie?"

I blinked my eyes before I quickly thought of an excuse to tell my mom as she wait for my response. "I was.. thirsty" I told her and gently nodded my head as she gave me a reassuring small smile before opening her mouth to talk but quickly stop herself when we both heard a footsteps coming from the kitchen behind me.

"oh..." we both heard he started when his eyes landed both of us but then shifted to only me. "Y/n..".

I forced a smile out as I look at him "hi dad. Sorry I was just thirsty but then I saw you talking to someone, I figured I don't want to interfere.." I made up using what's real and what's not as I slowly made my way to the kitchen.

Feeling their intense gaze on me, I continued to get a glass of water as I quickly drank them in one sip and made my way back with them still standing on the way with a unreadable expression. But before I take a step onto the stairway, he called out to me making me halt my pace and meet his worried eyes.

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