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Dinah's POV
It's already one in the afternoon and I was just laying in my bunk, scrolling through my instagram feed after the girls and I have our lunch together when I get a notification that somebody messages me. I got the thought that it's just from a fan so I didn't really mind it that much but my curiousity in getting out of me so I quickly check it but immediately regreted doing it.

Y/nviers_: hey... I know this is really a jerk thing to do but can you help me reach out to Camila? I tried to reach out to her but she must've blocked me or smth because I can't... I just wanted to talk, that's it and I can leave her after that for good.

I furrowed my eyebrows after I read it while I tried to think if I'll help her or not but after a long ass thought about this, I finally decided what to say to her.

I typed my reply and take a moment before pressing the send button and tried to read it again but my curtains suddenly barged open, making me flinch as I accendentally let go of my phone and saw it fall out of my bunk, making my eyes widen in shock.

"Wow, I've never seen you so frighten before" I heard Normani said as she laugh at me while she glanced down to my phone who just fall a second ago and slowly bented down to pick it up but I quickly tried to stop her.

"No! I can do it!" I exclaimed as I quickly go out of my bunk and slighty push her out of the way to pick up my phone rather quickly but before I got the chance to turn it off, she already snatched it and currently running away from me now. "Mani!" I exclaimed scaredly as I quickly chase her and we end up where the girls is at, except for Camila who's still having a date with shawn.

"Guys, Dinah's talking to someone!" Normani shouted as she stand in front of the girls in the couch and looked at me with a smirk as she wave my phone in front of them.

"Ooh who is it?" Lauren asked as she stare at me and wiggle her eyebrows after.

Ally chuckled as she just watch all of us in a funny look while she shakes her head playfully disagreeing.

I bite my lips nervously before speaking, "it's no one, give it back Normani" and tried to walk near her but she just scooted away more.

I watched her looked at me amusely before she glance at my phone and stayed her eyes there for a moment before I saw her expression quickly changes into not so good one I must say.

After a long wait, Lauren decided to ask, "so who's she talking to?" And leaned her back at its soft mattress of the couch.

Normani looked at me seriously before she opens her mouth to speak, "It's..." she started as she stared at me and I secretly slowly shaking my head at her, telling her not to tell them cause I'm surely gonna get fucked up so bad if they find out about this... expecially Camila. She looked back at the screen of my phone before looking back at me again and smile, "just a fan message. I honestly thought it was someone but I guess I'm wrong..." and walked towards me and give my phone back before she walk off with her unreadable expression and walked straight to her bunk without looking back.

After following her with my gaze, I looked back at the two who's just looking at me weirdly before excusing myself and walk towards Normani's bunk.

I found her sitting in an idian style in her bed while she's scrolling throught her phone. I know she felted my presence but doesn't want to look at me so I decided to talk,

"Mani... we need to talk" I told her as I open her curtains more that caught her attention.

She stopped scrolling throught her phone and looked at me seriously before she opens her mouth to respond, "believe me, I know" and furrowed her eyebrows as she glared at me. "What the hell's the meaning of that Dinah?" She exclaimed, making me widen my eyes.

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