T W E N T Y | S E V E N

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John's POV
I'm currently laying on the couch, waiting for my wife's arrival when I suddenly heard a knock on the front door, making me lazily sit up straight and stare at it for a minute before deciding to get up to answer it. I had a feeling it wasn't the person I was expecting to knock on our door right now and when I finally open the door, I am indeed right.

I squinted my eyes at the man on my doorstep before realising who it is. "how'd you find-" he quickly cut me off by throwing an unexpected punch on my stomach, making me stumble backwards on the floor, screeching in pain.

"Fransis... Fransis... " I heard him drag my name as I felt him walk closer to me and crouch beside me. "I must admit you really impressed me by hiding too damn well..." he mumbled very low and saw him gesture his hand in the air when I opened my eyes slightly. "cause when is the last time we saw each other hm?" he asked as I watched him slowly stood up and stared me down with a hint of irritation in his smirk. Then out of nowhere, he kicked me on the stomach really hard, making me gasp as I breathe in some air and cough repeatedly after. "last year? No... I guess not..." I heard him chuckled before kicking me again and somebody who I didn't noticed that also in here, started laughing lowly. I yelped as I started coughing uncontrollably and shut my eyes close, taking all the pain he's giving me. "last two years?" then he kicked me again, "or maybe three?" and again. I tilted my head as I started tasting that metal liquid in my mouth and spit it somewhere on the floor before staring up at them fearlessly. "you owe us four hundred fifty thousand in total Fransis... Don't tell me you forgot that?" he told me and showed me his infamous smirk.

I suddenly looked away when I realised something, "I-I don't have that amount of money right now b-but-"

"b-but what?" he cut me off, mocking me as well. "you gonna get a normal job and pay us when hm? You want us to wait another year for you to pay up?" he asked sarcastically and smirk at the other guy behind him who's been staring at me.

"I-I'll pay you!" I suddenly blurted out without thinking about it properly. "j-just... give me some time" I nervously added, refusing to met their eyes at this point.

"well then... You got twenty four hours to pack the money Fransis or it'll be one million you're giving to us in a week you'll have... since we already waited long enough right?" I slowly swallow the lump in my throat before hearing him added, "and if you still can't pay us with that amount of money then... say goodbye to your beloved wife" and kicked me on my chest before walking out with his human puppet.
Your POV
"woah-" I quickly stopped myself when I also heard Kate behind me said the same thing and we turn our head to face each other before giggling.

I pull her by the arm and side hug her as we averted our gaze to this amazing breath taking lake house in front of everyone.

"beautiful, isn't it?" we all heard my dad asked probably everyone so Kate and I responded with a loud yes while the rest hummed in agreement. "well then, we should head inside before it starts getting too cold" he added and started getting our things in the back of their car with Matt and Kyle.

"Y/n, let's go" I heard Kate whisper beside me and I turn my head to look at her before responding,

"go ahead, I'll wait for them" I told her with a smile and she quickly reciprocate it as she glance at them.

"alright, don't stay outside for too long cause you might catch a cold" she told me before pulling herself away from me and face my mom at her side. "mommy let's go?" she excitedly asked her and saw my mom nodded at her happily before glancing at me.

It's quite funny how Kate always calls my mom mommy when they weren't even related or even in just papers like me.

"sweetie, come on" she said while looking at me with a huge smile.

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