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Your POV
What is she doing?! I mentally asked myself when Camila just suddenly hugged me out of nowhere and still. She's just hugging me while her hand slowly reached my bleeding hand and hold it up like she's telling me to open it and let the glass go. "Y/n, p-please stop..." she stuttered as she bury her wet face in my neck.

She's... crying... I froze in my spot while glaring at John but I think Camila didn't noticed it. I slowly close my eyes, thinking that I should let it go and end this mess but when I open my eyes, I caught a glimpse of John looking at the back of Camila's head seriously while slowly smirking.

Everything was all just a lie that he made... he even fucking tried to involve Camila on this shit, I told myself as I stab him repeatedly in my mind over and over again while I keep glaring at him.
Fouch... yeah fuck and ouch.

I got up from the floor and pressed my left hand to my waist where he kicked me just a minute ago before leaning myself against the wall near my window. I'm currently inside my room right now and it's on the second floor of our-his house when I heard a very familiar voice called out for me outside.

"Fuck please no..." I scaredly said as I quickly move around to face the window and slightly move the curtains away. "No, no, no, no" I whispered in my mind over and over again as I quickly walk to my door and open it as I tried to ignore the pain that I'm getting everytime I move before heading down stairs as quickly as possible.

Camila, why are you here for god's sake?! I asked her mentally when I walked through the living room and saw a lot of bottles that's scattered everywhere in the floor when I passsed by.

"Who the fuck are you?" I heard he said just a few feet away from me when I saw him opens the door completely and saw Camila glances at me.

"S-She's a friend!" I shouted without thinking before I quickly passed him and secretly hide Camila behind me as I face him. What the fuck did I just fucking said? A friend? Okay, I'm fucked... but it doesn't matter. It's much safer to say in front of him. "I-I'll h-handle her... you-you can go back now" I stammer nervously as I take all my confidence to look at him in the eyes.

He squinted his eyes at me that made me to quickly look away cause I can't... I-I'm not brave enough to even fight gaze with him even for just a minute. "Alright Y/n... go throw that trash away... or I will" he threatened, making me quickly turn my eyes back to him but he already turned around and now currently walking until he opens the door and went in as he close the door behind him, disappearing in my sight. I close my hands into a fist and clenched it as hard as I could.

You're the real trash here John... and when I have my time... I'll throw you away myself... and burn you after.

"Y/n..." I heard Camila called out behind me and touch my shoulder after. I turn around facing her with my angry state.

"What the fuck are you doing here Camila?!" I whispered-shouted at her and saw her eyes turned into a fear one that made me realize what I just did. I'm sorry Camila but I need to do this for your protection... I don't want you be get involve in this mess.

"I-I'm sorry I was j-just..." she quickly stopped talking when her eyes averted to my left eyebrow that have cuts all over. Shit! "What happened to your face?" She worriedly asked and I quickly look away from her before responding,

"Doesn't matter. You shouldn't be here Camila" I told her seriously as I grab her hand and carefully drag her cause I don't want to hurt her, away from his house but she quickly pulled away and refuse to follow me. I quickly breathe in before talking again, "Camila, I'm not fucking playing with you right now so it's best for you to leave..." and walked closer to her. I know I should just talk to her normally but I know she won't listen cause she's stubborn so this is the best way that I know she'll really listen to me. Must go through the hard way. "You will leave right now and never... ever... come back here again...". I said those words while looking deeply at her brown eyes and decided to leave her by walking passed her to the front door but... I unknowingly stopped by the door.

I know I will leave her very confuse but... I don't have any choice. I only need to choose one... push her away for her to not get involve in this but will get our relationship complicated or stay with her and Dad will fuck up her life before and after he finds out that we're together. Of course I'll choose what's best for her even though it'll hurt me emotionally and mostly... physically.

"I love you Camila... I hope you won't forget that..." I whispered very slowly before completely walking in and close the door behind me after.

I walked back to the living room and saw him sitting at the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand, already staring at me. "So what's the name of that brat?" He suddenly asked as he take a chug at his beer and looked at me seriously.

Slowly swallowing the lump in my throat before I respond, "Ca... C-Camila" I stammer, looking away from him.

He hummed, "she seems... beautiful, don't you think?" And asked me while he smirked at me. Don't you fucking dare John... "You wouldn't mind inviting her here again right? You know just to introduce me to her properly..." and slowly drank her beer while staring at me firmly.

"She's not coming back here again" I said as I glared at him before walking to the stairs but quickly stopped when he talks again, making my heart beats rapidly.

"You both are together... I see" He said and slowly heard his footsteps lowly echo in the house. "Why don't you come back here Y/n... and help me clean this mess up" he added, making me shivers.

I tightens my grip to the railings before slowly swallowing the lump in my throat and turn around to find him already looking at me at the living room. "O-Of course... Dad"
"No..." I seriously said at Camila and tried to push her away but she just tightens her hug to me and hold into me more. I looked back at him who already standing in front of us with his cut and bruise face, looking at me seriously. I open my mouth to talk again, "Ever since mom died... you always look at me like you raised a wrong person... your biggest mistake of your life. There's no day that you showed me that you loved me as your daughter even if you can just fake it. Four years!... four fucking years I suffered every day and night in your hands... and there's no day that I didn't think about just letting you do to me whatever you wanted to do... cause you know what I always tell myself?! He's my father and he's going to fucking change!" I shouted at him and tried to walk towards him but I can't cause Camila's clinging into me. "I'm tired... I'm fucking tired hoping that someday you'll change for the better... and fix our family again" I sob as I slowly looked away from him and cried while the girl who's hugging me also silently doing it.

"Y/n p-please stop... y-you're hurting yourself" I heard Camila said. "And it's hurting me..." she added, making me slowly froze in the spot as I blinked, recalling what she just said to me.

I slowly breathe heavily as I close my eyes before slowly opening my wounded hand and letting go of the piece of glass before I carefully pushed Camila away. She brokenly looked at me and I immediately looked away because I can't look at her right now... I don't want to look at her crying because of me.

I open my mouth to talk but no words came out so I just slowly close it and take a glance at them especially at him before breathing in and slowly sighing it out. "Next time you come near me again, I'll make sure you'll end up in jail and I won't hesitate to do it so" I finally said it while looking straight to his eyes before unknowingly averting it to Camila and saw how she's hurting right now so I quickly looked away before glancing at Dinah and turning around to walk outside.

Kind of short ik but all of this part is actually from thirteen but I don't want it to be that long so...

And expect me to slow my updates cuz I'm in the end of life rn and hanging... so advance sorry to ya.

And get ready for taking ur girl back in future lmao I feel so powerful doing what I want in this book :)


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