Pepa x male reader

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Pepa x male baker reader
Pepa, bruno and Julieta are 20 here.

"God how I wish he would fill me like those donuts " Pepa says as she watches you fill the jelly donuts.

"um that's gross. " Bruno looks disgustedly at his sister.

"maybe start off with hi" Julieta suggest

"easy for you to say. you go in there every week" Pepa tells her sister.

"hey (y/n) is sweet. he has a lot of corny baker jokes but he's sweet.. like his cakes. " Julieta says and chuckles to herself.

"what do I even go in for?" Pepa ask

"well go get me a donut... not jelly. you made me not want to even look at one. " Bruno tells his sister then walks off

Pepa takes a deep breath and walks into the bakery. a nice wind chime goes off as she opens the door. You look up and smile at her. God if Pepa was butter she would have melted.

"hi Pepa. I'm surprised not to see your sister." you greet her.

"oh uh hi.. "Pepa says nervous.

"how can i help you? dough you want our special?" you ask chuckling

Pepa giggles. Julieta was right you are corny.

"Hmm i don't know. Can i crust you?" Pepa smiles playing along.

"a girl who can come up with good buns.. i mean puns. wow you are a dream. " you say smiling.

You pack her some donuts.

"on the house. " you tell her.

"I have to pay you some how." Pepa tells you.

"how about a date.. tonight ?" you ask hopeful

"I'd like that. " she smiles.

"great. enjoy your donuts. I'll pick you up at 6. " you tell her.

Pepa bumps into the door trying to look at you as she leaves. she hurries out and Bruno is laughing while Julieta is holding her laughter in. Pepa shoves the donuts in Bruno's chest and looks at Julieta.

"he asked me out tonight. " Pepa says

Julieta squeals and hugs her younger sister.

"i figured it was good. there's a rainbow. "

the girls look up at the rainbow over encanto and smile.

"ugh it's filled!" Bruno complains after he took a bite of the donut.

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