Dream (pepa x g!n reader)

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(this inspired by the dream scene in criminal minds when Hotch went for surgery)

Pepa had a bad day and by accident lightning struck her and she passed out.

Pepa looks around and she's in a dress at a movie theater. confused she goes inside and goes to take a seat. it's empty and someone sits next to her. she looks and sees her late husband.


"oh hey.. popcorn?" he ask holding it out to her

"oh my God i've missed you" she says tearing up

"I've missed you too. the films about to start. "

They look and on the screen is Antonio learning to walk. Felix smiles at the screen. then there is a clip of Antonio playing tag with camilo

"wow they are getting so big"

"yeah they are" she smiles sadly.

then on the screen you can hear giggling and there is Antonio with his hair getting braided.

"your mami is going to love it" a voice is heard saying

the camera shot moves back and you can be seen on the screen as you are braiding the boy's hair. Your hair is put in a whole bunch of little pony tails thanks to Antonio.

"you really think so?" he ask smiling

"of course. I'd never lie to my favorite little guy" you said

"who's that?" Felix ask

"(y/n) " Pepa said with a smile

on the screen comes Pepa who smiles at you two lovingly.

"oh boy you two look so cute " Pepa on the screen says smiling

"they seem really good with Tonito" Felix said

"they are " Pepa said watching

the screen flips to a new scene. Camilo is crying while surrounded by mirrors. Pepa can't get him to talk to her.

"let me try" you whisper to pepa on the screen

you walk over and sit next to the curly haired boy.

"hey Milo.. you know your mami and I love you right?" you said

"how can you love me if i don't know who's the real me?" he cries hard

you hug him and let him cling on to you.

"well i know the real you. you are sweet. you always make sure your mami is okay and you play with Antonio even when you don't want to play. you are creative. you made a whole one man show to perform after dinner and that takes talent. you are so smart. you calculated the perfect timing to have a water bucket fall on my head. you are my boy. I may not have the same DNA as you but I love you as if you are my own Camilo" you said.

Felix wipes a tear. Pepa is crying at this memory. thankfully her mood isn't affecting the weather since it's a dream.

"they are so good with our kids" Felix said

"yeah " Pepa said

a new scene comes on and Pepa blush. it's of you two kissing. you are trailing kisses down her neck and all over her body. she runs her hand through your hair

"god i love you" Pepa on the screen moans

"wow they really know your body.. i'm happy you found someone " Felix said

he kisses Pepa's head smiling at her.

the scene changes again to your wedding. it was just the family. Camilo and Antonio are both walking Pepa down as she has the biggest smile while looking at you. there is a rainbow in the sky and your hands meet her. you make your vows to Pepa but you also vow to the kids you will love them as your own for the rest of your life.

"i'm happy for you Pepita... a bit jealous but i'm happy you and the kids are being taken care of. " Felix said

the final scene is Dolores pacing back and forth in a wedding dress. Felix tears up seeing his little girl all grown up.

"hey you got this mi amor. " you tell the young woman.

you do breathing exercises with her and she smiles at you when she calms down

"thank you" she said

"now your mami is going to walk you down to the man of your dreams " you said smiling

"actually.. i'm not " Pepa said on screen

you look at her confused.

"what are you talking about? she needs to be walked own the isle." you said.

"yes she does" she smiles

"but i was hoping it was by you" Dolores adds

you tear up and nod.

"are you sure?" you ask

"yes.. you have been a great parent to me" Dolores said

you hug her and you walk her down the isle that day.

the screen goes black and Pepa looks at felix who couldn't look happier.

"it looks like it's time for you to go. you got people waiting for you. " Felix said

"I'm going to miss you.. i wish i didn't have to go" Pepa said

Felix smiles and walks Pepa outside the theater.

"they need you... go on and live for me. be loved." Felix said

"mami" Pepa can hear Antonio's little voice

"pepa amor please wake up i love you" your voice cracks.

soon Pepa is out of this dream world and she opens her eyes. Antonio is the first to notice

"mami!" he shouts happy.

Pepa smiles seeing her loving family by her side.

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