betrothed to another (dolores x male reader)

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You and Dolores have always been close. best friends since you was kids. your parents and hers always thought you two would be together. after the house was getting rebuilt you was going to finally admit your feelings but she was too infatuated with Mariano to notice. they been dating for a few months and you feel like you lost your best friend. you was the last to know of her engagement.

"hey! " you hear your best friend say in town as you are preparing for your aunts' visit.

"lola hey" you smile

"oh Felicidades. happy engagement" a towns woman tells Dolores while she passes by.

"gracias" Dolores said smiling


"Mariano proposed to me last night." she tells you smiling

your heart breaks.

"oh nice..." you fake a smile

"you are going to be part of my wedding right?you are my best friend " she asked

"of course anything for you" you tell her.

you hug her and she hugs back. you wonder if she can hear your heart breaking. she kisses your cheek and you hear your name called. you see your aunts and Dolores waves to them. she smiles and heads off saying her mom is calling her.

you take a deep breath and walk over. your aunts start talking about you and Dolores as you walk home with the 3 of them and your mom is outside gardening. her sisters tell her about you and dolores hugging.

"those two are so cute together" one says

"oh i knew they'd end up together" said another

"they are going to get married soon watch. " said the last one

soon you had enough of it.

"enough she's engaged to someone else, okay?!" you shout at your aunts

"so she's a bit of a fixer upper" your tia Giselle whispers to your mom

"i didn't see no ring" tia Gloria says

"look i lost my chance okay? i'm going to always be her best friend. i should have told her a long time ago that i'm in love with her. i should have told her how i only know how to be me when i'm with her. how i yearn for her voice to be the first and last thing i hear everyday. how i see her for her. she doesn't have to be in the shadows or take in everything alone. i miss her. " you admit.

you wipe your face as you are tearing up.

"Mijo.." your mom starts

"it's okay i'm going inside now" you said

you head to your room and lock yourself in. you can't help but punch your wall out of anger but you are only angry at yourself. you are angry you can't tell Dolores how you feel. you are angry you waited so long that someone else got her. mostly you are angry you are so upset when you should be happy that she's happy.. or so you thought she was happy.

"oh why'd i ask bruno to see my future.? i knew she'd be with another. her vision was the same" he said

after all her future was set. the man of her dream would be just out of reach. yet she heard her uncle all wrong. the man wouldn't be betrothed to another but she would. she heard everything you just said. she goes to Bruno.

"i knew you'd come." he said

"well i want to know about when you read my future as a kid. you said the man of my dreams would be just out of reach betrothed to another. " she said recalling the night

"i said you'd be betrothed to another. not the man. i said the man of your dreams will be just out of reach as your betrothed to another. "Bruno corrects.

"wait all this time i thought..." she starts.

she turns and runs out the house. she thought she just had a  silly crush on you because you're her best friend. yet she's in love with you.

"she's going to make it right " Bruno mumbles and smiles to himself

your mom and aunts are all in the living room when there is a heavy knock. your mom gets it confused. she sees Dolores out of breath.

"mi amor are you okay?" she asked.

she helps Dolores in and makes her sit down. she hands her water which she drinks.

"gracias... i just need to talk to (y/n) please. " Dolores said

"oh he's locked himself in his room" she said

"do you mind if go anyway?" she asks

"go ahead. you know you are basically family." your mom smiles at her.

Dolores goes to your room and knocks.

"go away" you shout

Dolores winces at the volume of your voice. she decides to do your childhood secret knock. she hears you get off your bed and pick things up before opening the door. before you say anything she comes in and sees the mess you made.

"what happened?" she asked

"just angry with myself." you inform her

she sits on your bed and looks at you.

"you know i was wrong. " she said

"wrong about what?" you ask

"wrong about who i'm suppose to be with. i thought i wanted Mariano because he seemed perfect because every girl wanted him and he ended up betrothed to Isa... i thought that was my future. i heard Bruno wrong." she admits.

"when bruno told me my future it was how i'd love you but you'd be betrothed to someone else." you said

"(y/n)..." Dolores starts

"wait Dolores, before you say anything I'm in love with you. I always have been and i think I always will. You are the sunshine in my life. You know me better than anyone and I know you. I was always afraid to admit it but here i am admitting I love you. " you said

Dolores kisses you. you instantly kiss back and pull her close. she slowly pulls away.

"i love you too. i always have and i'm sorry it took me so long to realize it. " she said.

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