summer love (Pepa x Male reader)

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you come back to the town you first visited 4 years ago. you had a summer romance with a woman name Pepa here and was sad you had to
leave to fight in a war. you decided to come back since you had a good time here and didn't have any family left alive. maybe you can settle down somewhere since you were honorable discharged from the army.

you walk into town and hear about a party at the Madrigal house to celebrate one of the grandkids birthday, a little girl name Dolores. you decide maybe you will stop by and finally see Pepa.

"Madrigal parties are always so grand." you hear someone say.

you smile agreeing in your head. you get to the madrigal house and then enter the party. you look around hoping to catch the eyes of the girl you fell for those years ago. Maybe you can stare into those enchanting green eyes again.

Julieta notices you first. her eyes widen and she goes to find her sister who's dancing with 3 year old Isabela and Dolores. The redhead looks so happy as she's dancing around.

"Pepa... someone is here." she said

"who?" Pepa asks confused.

Julieta nods towards Dolores and Pepa instantly understands. Dolores's father is here, You are here. She didn't know what happened to you after you left.

"did he see you?" she asks.

Julieta shakes her head.

"I don't think so." she said.

you clear your throat from behind them. they jump and turn toward you. You haven't changed abut except for the fact that you now have a beard.

"uh sorry to interrupt... um Pepa long time. may I speak with you? I was hoping we could catch up" you ask.

"watch dolores." She said to Julieta before pulling you away.

you let Pepa pull you outside to talk. God have you missed her touch.

"Long time no see." you said with your hands in your pocket

"you think you can just come here like nothing happened? you didn't return any of my letters." Pepa said with some thunder

"Pepa please I never got your letters. I swear." you said.

You hate to upset her. You know from experience that upsetting Pepa is one of the worst things to do.

"he's telling the truth. mami took the letters, she didn't think he was good enough for you. She forced me to keep it a secret. " You hear behind you

you turn and see Bruno there rubbing his arm.  you frown because you did fall for Pepa those years ago. if you knew she still thought of you then you would have came straight back here after war.

"what?" Pepa said shocked.

Bruno sighs.

"i'm so sorry. i can go get them." he said.

he walks off and you look at Pepa. She sighs and runs a hand through her hair. You know she's stressing out but you don't want to touch her and upset her more.

"was I just a summer fling for you?" Pepa asks.

"of course not. Pepa when I left here those years ago I left my heart here with you. I thought of you every day while I was at war. I thought you might have forgotten me. I was hoping to come back and reconnect with you." you said

Pepa can tell you was being honest by the look in your eyes.

"you left a little more than your heart here." she said

"what do you mean?" you ask confused.

"After you left I found out I was pregnant. Our daughter's 3rd birthday is today." Pepa said

you stare at her shocked.

"we have a kid together?" you question

she nods not knowing what's going through your head but you pull her into a hug. Pepa hugs back melting in your arms. She missed being held by you.

"I'm so sorry I left you alone. If I knew then you wouldn't have had to be a single parent. I'm here now. You won't ever have to do this alone again." you promise her.

She pulls away from the hug and stares at you with those eyes you love so much.

"do you want to meet her?" Pepa asks.

"Yes. I bet she's amazing like you." you said

she holds your hand and you both walk inside to Dolores.

"Hi mami. Who's this?" Dolores asks.

"I'm a friend of your mami's. Happy birthday sweetie." you said swatting to her level.

"Thank you." she smiles

You get to talk with Dolores and she asks you to dance with her. Pepa stands on the side with Julieta watching you dance with Dolores.

"she has her papi." Pepa says smiling.

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