sober (pepax male reader angst)

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(trigger warning addicted to drugs)

you walk up to casita and sigh as the memories rush back. it's been 2 years since you been gone.


"get out!" Pepa shouts

"shh." you try to get her to keep her voice down.

you watch her rub her baby bump trying to calm down.

"don't you tell me to be quiet. I told you if you did drugs again you are out of here." she said

you grab the bag she threw at you and make your way downstairs.

"papi?" you hear

you turn and see your 7 year old daughter Dolores. you face the door and keep going.

"Papi wait! please don't go. take me with you please." you hear Dolores beg.

"Dolores you cannot go with him." you hear pepa tell her

you can't look back because you already let your daughter down when you chose the drugs.

(end of flash back)

you knock on the door and wait. A man opens the door with curly hair and dark skin. he's shorter than you.

"may I help you?" he asks confused.

"I uh came to see my daughter." you said.

"your (y/n)... look Pepa and Lola don't need you here." he said

"don't call her Lola only I can." you said balling your fist.

"papi? .. pa!" you hear behind Felix

Dolores pushes past him and you hug her as she runs into your arms.

"I've missed you." Dolores said sobbing.

"Lola I missed you so much. I'm so sorry. Papi was sick and I got better." you said tearing up.

you hold her close.

"what's going on?" Pepa ask walking over with little Camilo on her hip.

She freezes seeing you.

"(y/n)..." she says in disbelief

you let Dolores go and look at your wife and son.

"wow he's so handsome. i'm so sorry I missed everything." you said.

"Felix take Camilo and Dolores inside." Pepa said

she hands him the toddler.

"but mami." Dolores pouts

"I need to talk to your papi. please Dolores." Pepa said

you bite your lip seeing the cloud over Pepa's head.

"listen to your mami Lola. I love you." you said

Dolores tells you she loves you before going inside. Pepa closes the door and looks at you.

"Before you yell at me or berate me, I want to give you this." you said

you hand her a sobriety coin with the number 2 on it.

"what is this?" she asks

"it's my sobriety coin. i been clean 2 years. I would have been back sooner but i didn't want to relapse. I been working hard to become the man you fell in love with and the papi our kids deserve. I missed our son's first two years and i regret it. I know my words mean nothing but please Pepa let me prove myself." you said

Pepa tears up. you are too little too late. you should have been the man she needed you to be instead of messing with drugs.

"you lost your chance (y/n)... you lost me. Felix is a great man. he's my boyfriend. I'm ready for a divorce." she said.

"pepa please." you said

"no, I did everything to make sure our child didn't see you passed out, I hid needles and pills. I did everything not to ruin your image to our girl. I took the title of bad guy when i kicked you out. I refused to be the one to find the man I loved dead one day. God forbid one of our kids found you. I thought you'd change when i was pregnant with Camilo but no. so I'm doing me now." she said

you feel the rain hit you as she cries. you walk over to her and hug her. she hold on to you as she cries.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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