remember me (Brunox Male Reader)

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you've spent your life traveling after your parents death and after all this time you decide to find somewhere to settle down. you found an address in your parents old stuff and decided to go there. you enter a town and look around. it seems so familiar yet not at the same time. you walk a path and find yourself near a huge house.

"this is so familiar." you say out loud to yourself.

"it can't be... (y/n)." you hear behind you

you turn and see a woman with ginger hair and familiar green eyes.

"uh hello... do I know you?" you ask

"you use to. we grew up together.. the four of us. um the other 2 being my triplet siblings." she said.

you hear shouting from inside the house. you see a man with long hair and a green rauna running outside while a woman with her hair in a bun tries to keep him inside.

"I need to see him!" he shouts

"he's not going to remember because the fall" she said

they both stop when they notice you. a fall is all you think about. you and the man make eye contact. those green eyes, you've looked into them before.

"you.. you wasn't a figment of my imagination." you said

you was told you made up a boy with green eyes who could see the future. you made up stories on how you two use to sneak behind a house that was magic just to make out.

"do you know who I am?" he asked hopeful

"is it Hernando?" you asked.

He starts to laugh and you are confused.

"what?" you ask confused.

"it's Bruno. Hernando was a character I played when we first started having actual conversations. we was in the same drama club." Bruno said

he walks over to you and his sisters go inside.

"why does this place seem so familiar?" you ask.

He sighs and looks at his feet.

"we had a fight... I wanted you to come out with me and you didn't want to. I got mad and said we should just break up then. you said fine and ran off. I realized I didn't want to lose you so I ran after you. You ran into the woods and looked back as i called your name. you ended up tripping and tumbling down a slope. you lost your memory and your parents thought it was best to leave. I think they knew we was together and saw it as a way out. we was just 20 but loved each other since we was 13. " Bruno explained.

you look at him and see how upset he is. you watch him fidget with a friendship bracelet on his arm that looks like it's been through hell.

"that bracelet... i know it." you said.

"you made it for me." he said.

you grab his hand and look at the bracelet on his wrist. you look at him and for a second it seems like things are coming back. sand swirls around you two and you see flashes of your past. Bruno's eyes glow and he looks around confused. he never seen the past before only the future.

"oh come on B.. you know it's us against the world." your young voice is heard.

"I love you." Bruno's young voice is heard.

memories go around you both in the sand and finally it all stops. an emerald ring falls in front of you. you pick it up and put it on. all your memories rush back in your head.

"B... I remember. I remember you, i remember us. " you said.

Bruno looks at you hopefully.

"really?" he asks not believing it.

you nod and kiss him.

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