first love (pepa x g!n reader angst)

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Dolores at this time is 12 and needed photos for school about her family. she asked Pepa who told her to look in the closet. she looks through an old box and smiles at all the pictures of her mother when she was a teen. then she comes across an envelope with her moms name written sloppily. she takes it out and reads it.

Dear Pepa,

thanks for being the girl of my dreams. when we grow up I know i'm going to marry you. I will make every day sunny and you won't ever cry with me around.  I love you. 

with love,

hm who is (y/n) thought Dolores. she doesn't know anyone in town with that name. in that moment Pepa comes in.

"hey did you find the photos you needed?" she ask as she walks over to her daughter

"mami who's (y/n?)" Dolores asks

a cloud goes over Pepa's head. she tries to take a deep breath.

"(y/n) was my first love. I like to remember them that way." Pepa explained.

she sat down and tried to keep herself from crying. this was years ago after all. you two was just kids.

"well what happen to them?" Dolores asked

Pepa sighs and takes another box out her closet and opens it. she takes out a picture of 12 year old you and 10 year old her.

"well (y/n) ended up getting sick. sick with a deadly illness that only let them live a year. they was my best friend since i was 4. they promised when we was older that we'd get married. they was my first kiss. my first love and my 3rd best friend after your tia and tio. " Pepa said looking at the photo.

flash back

Pepa heard you got worse so she went to visit you. she ran to your house as fast as her 11 year old legs would take her. she knocked and your mom opened with a sadden look.

"they are in their room. they don't have a lot of energy but their awake." your mom informs her

Pepa nods and heads to your room quietly. she knocks lightly and walks in.

"pepa" you say weakly

you try your best to smile.

"(y/n)" she says and rushes to your side.

she sits in the chair by your bed and holds your hand.

"how you feeling?" Pepa asks

"Pepa... I can't keep holding on. i waited to see you. " you tell her

"no you can't. I can't lose you. you're going to get better. we will get married in the future and have kids. maybe 3. " Pepa said and tear up.

"oh Pepa. I love you. you will meet an amazing person. I'll make it happen. I promise." you tell her.

"I love you too" Pepa said.

you smile as you tear up and you stare at the wall holding her hand. you died a few minutes later.  Pepa runs out your house crying. she runs out with her vision blurred as it rains heavy. she doesn't realize someone is in front until she bumps into Felix.

"woah there" Felix says and he stops her from falling.

"i'm sorry" Pepa said

"pepa right?" Felix said

she nods and keeps crying.

"hey let me help you home just so you don't fall. " he said

she lets him and doesn't know you made Felix go outside. You asked your friend Felix to head to your house at a certain time knowing today was your last day and you knew he'd be perfect for your Pepa.

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