Camilo's twin brother

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Camilo wakes up screaming.

"(y/n) !" he screams

Pepa runs into her son's room. the curly haired boy looks at his mom and cries. she hugs him close

"he's gone.. i'm alone" he cries

you are Camilos fraternal twin. you had the ability to make clones of yourself but you ran away after having a fight with Alma. you yelled about never being good enough and you aren't some sort of puppet for the family. Your matching ruana was found ripped and caught on a bush near the river. everyone assumed you to be dead since your door didn't glow anymore.

Camilo being your twin took it the hardest. You two having a connection like no other. Yes your parents mourned you and so did Dolores and Antonio but they didn't feel the way Camilo did. He felt dead himself. You two was a mirror soul, one soul split into two bodies.

"i got you Milo" Pepa said but couldn't help rain

Something feels like a tingle. Camilo sits up and looks at his window

"what?" Pepa ask

Camilo like he's in a trance stands up and puts on his slippers. he starts walking downstairs and Pepa follow him confused.

"camilo.. amor where are you going ?"

"I feel something " he says simple

they walk to the river where your ruana was found. Camilo looks around.

"please hermano.. give me another sign. I can feel you. " Camilo says looking around

He walks to the bush and looks around it.

"he has to be around here. " Camilo says

"Camilo.." Pepa says

"hermano!" Camilo screams

he tries to go in the water and Pepa grabs her son not wanting to lose him too.

"mami let me go.. i got to find him!"

"Camilo they search that whole area.. he's gone Mijo he's gone. " Pepa says crying and she holds Camilo.

it starts to rain and Camilo cries and holds his mom.

"Cam" a faint voice is heard.

Pepa didn't hear it but Camilo did. he looks and across on the other side is his older twin dragging himself in the ground looking injured.

"(N/N) !" Camilo shouts

he lets go of your mom and rushes across the water fighting the waves. Pepa is screaming at Camilo but he pushes himself to get to his twin. you two are and will always be one. He gets across and pulls you close to him.

"You came back for me " you say looking up at your younger brother

"Always. I felt you. " Camilo tells you.

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