julieta x male reader angst pt 2

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You've stayed at your family home for 2 weeks. you go to casita to see Isabela and Luisa every day. you refuse to talk to or acknowledge julieta and Agustin.

"are you hungry?" Julieta asks as you bring the girls into the kitchen.

you whisper something to Isabela

"Papi said to tell you he's not hungry. " Isabela said

"oh enough (y/n). we aren't going to play telephone through the kids. talk to me like an adult" Julieta said getting angry

"princesca how about you and Luisa play upstairs. mami and papi have to talk" you tell Your oldest.

"okay Papi"

Isabela leaves with her sister and you wait till you know they are upstairs to face Julieta.

"what do you want ? oh wait i know.. my brother. " you spat angry

"it wasn't like that. if you let me explain. i love you." julieta says hurt.

"if you loved me you wouldn't have betrayed me. you vowed to love me for eternity. in this life and the next. it seemed i was so easy to forget" you said and tears run down your face

"i was hurt. i thought you was dead. Agustin was there to comfort me. he was helping with the girls. he kissed me and I was just so lonely." she said

"how would you feel if i slept with Pepa?" you ask

"hurt." Julieta said not even having to think about it

"exactly. that's how i felt seeing you with my brother. I can't even look at either of you the same. " you admit

"please. I want you and only you. " she says.

"i don't know what to even say to you. you hurt me too bad. " you said

you hear Julieta cry as you walk away. it doesn't hurt as bad to hear her cry. you go upstairs.

"you okay?" you hear Pepa ask

you turn to face her. you wipe the tears from your face and shake your head.

"wanna talk?" she ask

you nod and follow her to her room. you sit and talk and end up crying yourself to sleep. Pepa cuddles with you and sighs seeing your sleeping figure. you pull her close in your sleep and she blushes. now she's been single for 2 years and the feeling of a man is nice. she shakes her head. she can't think like that. she doesn't want to hurt Julieta.

"oh (y/n)" Pepa mumbles.

she tries to move your hands from her and you just grip her more. she sighs and just enjoys laying next to you.

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