Rmemeber me (Mirabel x G!N reader)

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You and Mirabel just started dating. You two have been best friends and you would basically hunt you like her and it would go over her head. you flat out had to tell her you was in love with her for her to get it. she said it back.

Today you and Camilo was daring each other to do stupid things. Camilo dared you to climb a trees blind folded and you saw it as not so hard so you did.

"hey Milo wheres (y/n) i know you two was hanging out today. " Mirabel said seeing Camilo

He's staring at the tree. Mirabel looks up and sees you climbing.

"ha told you it's noth-" you start to say and your hand slips and you fall

"(Y/n) !" you hear Mirabel scream.

you hit the ground and black out.

After what seems like a few hours you wake. you groan and hold your head that hurts. You open your eyes and look around. you don't know where you are. a beautiful girl with glasses walk in.

"(y/n) mi amor you're awake. " she said and hurries over.

"who are you? where am I?"you ask confused

Her face drops.

"it's me... Mirabel. " she says

she then shouts for her mom. Julieta comes and checks you and ask you questions. you can answer who's your family, your name but you seem to not know the madrigals. Camilo comes in to apologize.

"i.. I know you. " you say seeing him

"you do?" camilo and Mirabel say at the same time.

you nod.

"camilo. right?" you say.

"yeah and I'm so sorry. i shouldn't have dared you to climb a tree with a blindfold. " he says.

"woah that sounds awesome. " you say

Mirabel walks out upset you don't remember her.

"who's the girl? she is gorgeous. " You say smiling  

"Mirabel.. that's your girlfriend. " Camilo tells you confused

"wait you don't remember anything huh " he ask

you shake your head no.

"how did a idiot like me land her?" you ask interested.

Camilo tells you about how you met Mirabel in school and how you started as best friends. how you dropped hints but she didn't get it. you look at your hands and notice a bracelet on your wrist. it says Mirabel on it. you dont know Mirabel has a matching one with your name.

You sigh and go home wanting to remember. for the next few days Mirabel and you been hanging out. she's been trying to help you remember. You like her company even though you haven't remembered yet. You and Mirabel are eating snacks while sitting in an open field alone. You and Mirabel decided to play tag. Your it and you chase Mirabel. You smile as she laughs. you accidentally trip when you are about to catch her and land on her. you two roll laughing.  when you both stop rolling she's on top of you. You stare into her eyes. You move her hair from her face.
she blushes looking at you. You lean up and kiss her. she kisses back and all these memories flood your head. you see you and Mirabel grow from age 7 to now. every hug every cuddle. You pull away and smile.

"mi vida. I remember. " you tell her.

"you do?" she says and gets off you

you sit up and nod. she hugs you and you hug back holding her.

"i missed you. "

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