love story (Julietax male reader)

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you and the triplets are all 16 here.

your family never went to the madrigal parties but you decided to sneak out and go to one this summer night. your mother and Alma Madrigal hated each other.

you make your way in the Madrigal house as the party is going on. you quickly grab a soda and look around. you smile as you see everyone dancing. Then from across the room on the balcony you see the most beautiful woman with enchanting brown eyes. you know you have to say hello. you move through the crowd keeping your eyes on her. she's laughing with a ginger girl with a gap smile.

"hello... sorry to interrupt. i just saw you from across the room and i just had to say hi." you said staring at the beautiful girl in front of you.

"well hello i'm Julieta." she said

"(y/n), pleasure to meet you." you said and kiss her hand.

she blushes and her sister smirks.

"well i'll leave you to it." she giggles and runs off to find the youngest triplet.

you and Julieta go out to sit on the stairs and talk since it's more quiet.

"you know I shouldn't be talking to you." she admits.

"since our mothers hate each other?" you ask

she nods.

"but i want to talk to you." she said

you smile and talk about your interests and she likes that you love to cook. she seemed so down to earth to you.

"maybe we can meet again?" you asked hopeful.

"yeah I'd like that." Julieta said smiling.

"hey! what are you doing here?" you both hear.

you both turn to see Alma angry. she grabs your arm and pulls you away from Julieta.

"stay away from Julieta." she said

she pushes you slightly.

"mami we was just talking." Julieta says

"do not go near that boy! what is wrong with you!" Alma shouts at her daughter

Julieta tears up.

"please he doesn't have to go. we was getting to know each other." Julieta said

you sigh and just leave not wanting to get her in more trouble. you write a note and sneak it into Pepa's hand on your way out.

a few hours later you are waiting in a near by garden. you don't know if she will show but you hope so. you look at your watch and sigh.

"hey i'm sorry i took long." You hear behind you.

you turn and smile at Julieta.

"it's okay. God we'd be dead if they knew." you said.

she walks over to you and smiles. she sits by you on the bench. you two sit and talk a bit. you wrap an arm around her shoulder and she snuggled into your side.

"i feel like i known you my whole life." Julieta said

"i do too... Can i kiss you?" you asked.

she looks at you with her big brown eyes and nods. you cup her cheek and slowly lean in. you kiss her and she kisses you back. you hold her close as she wraps her arms around your neck. you both smile in the kiss and slowly pull away.

"i wish we could run away." she said

"maybe one day." you said

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