hotheaded (mirabel X male reader)

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You are known to have the worse anger issues. you don't understand why Mirabel is dating you. though it seems like you are your calmest around her. Everyone ask her why you and she tells them she loves you.

"Mira (y/n) about to fight someone " Camilo tells his cousin

they both run and see you beating the crap out a guy

"(y/n) " Mirabel shouts.

Camilo pulls you off and before you can yell at him Mirabel grabs your face and makes you look at her. your eyes soften when you see her disappointed face

"what the hell are you doing ?" she ask you

"I heard him talking about how he could bang any girl he wants and then talked sexual about you. nobody talks about my girl. " you tell her with anger in your voice

"are you using a tone with me ?" she ask raising an eyebrow

"I'm sorry amor. " you tell her softly.

she sigh and takes you to her house so she can help you clean up. you didn't notice your bruised fits until Mirabel touched it.

"ow" you say

"it wasn't hurting when you was punching that jerk. " she scolds you. 

she cleans the blood off you and take you to her mom.

"fight?" she ask

You nod and look away. you feel like her whole family judged you. you thank Julieta and take the arepa she hands you and eats it.

"now let's go talk" Mirabel tells you and drags you to her room.

You sit on her bed and run a hand through your hair.

"amor... you need to stop fighting. " she tells you

"I don't purposely go fight people. " you tell her

"i just don't want you to hurt or die. what am i going to do if you died? huh? your anger is going to get you killed!" Mirabel starts to cry

You hold her and that breaks your heart seeing her cry.

"i'm so sorry. mi vida please don't cry. I'll do anything. I'm going to try to work on my anger more. I'll stay home.  I'll do whatever it takes so you can be proud of me" you promise holding her

she cries for a bit and when she calms down you kiss all over her face and she smiles abit.

"you better shape up or i can't be with you. " she tells you.

for the next few weeks Mirabel saw a whole change in you. she saw you being that sweet funny guy you are all the time and not letting little things bother you. Julieta told her she's happy you changed or else she would be uncomfortable with you two dating.

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