modern Isabela x male reader

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requested AU with Modern Isabela x male emt reader. i knew this was going to suck but eh

Isabela board the ambulance with Alma who had a terrible fall while home alone.

"It's okay ma'am we got you. " you told the older woman while assisting her

"thank you for helping my abuela. "Isabela tells you while holding Alma's hand

"it's my job. " you tell the girl you find beautiful.

"you better not be taking me to lincoln hospital. " the woman complain

"abuela shh. let them do their job. " Isabela scolds her grandma

you chuckle a bit.

"it is a shit hospital. we are taking you to the best hospital in down. Mount sinai. " you tell the woman

"see he knows." Alma smirks at her grand daughter as she was right.

"I like your mother. " you say knowing it's her grandma but trying to make her feel young.

"oh i'm too old to be her mom" Alma says smiling

"no way. you look early 40s" you tell her.

Isabela couldn't help but smile as you keep Alma comfortable on the way to the hospital. getting there you get the info for Alma from Isabela.

"well I'm going to need one more thing. " you tell her

"Oh i thought that was all the paper work " she said

"well it was... i wanted your number or snapchat. " you say smiling

"hmm does that include a date?" she ask

"well yes it does. " you say and hold out your phone

she smiles and puts her snapchat on your phone.

"see you around. " she smiles

you watch her walk off and smile.

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